and for those who ask "why I didn't add Trixie?" and to be Honest (and my Opinion) I don't think Trixie is much of Twilight's Student since Trixie never spent the rest of the series Development or approved her magic with Twilight, She was just thrown in by fans as she was just a Companion and a close friend To Starlight which I would Respect in the series. I Don't hate Trixie Completely as she does have some highlights in the series, but I never like how she was the "Over Confidents" and her Stubbornness on her Character in some Occasions. People can say the Same with Tempest as she too didn't stay with Twilight and it's not until (Spoilers) she came back in the series finally, Well I wanted to wright a fan made Series someday on her Adventure in the events after the MLP Movie to the Series Finally on her Decision and her place back with Twilight, and Although the MLP Comics does a poor job handling her Character as I wanted to make her more "Emotional" and "Heart felt" but that will be a different story.
Also A heads up that I never Seen Equestria Girls and Sunset is Best Known in that Series than Appearing in the Actual Series, But I know she has potentials and a Good Heart and Someday I will see Equestria Girls if I ever Re-visit The MLP Series. so Please no Hard Hates… Please.
In the Mean time, I Wish we would Revisit the G4 Series and Show Twilight's Pupils Finally coming together and Being in Action. Hope you love this and Stay Tuned for more MLP Arts.