
The founder and first ruler of the Crystal empire, she was the one that magically created the Crystal Heart as a protection device for her empire. The magical properties of her Crystal Heart not only had the power to kill off Umbrums, a creature of complete opposite magic to the Heart, but it had other uses as well. It was able to sense emotions such as love and hate, could reflect what is in one's heart and their future, and could make a protective wall around the Empire, shielding it from the bitter cold and blustering blizzards.

When Amore killed off most of the Umbrum race, she had the thought that they were going to ruin her beautiful Empire and slaughter her city of civilians. She "had no choice but to eradicate them" she'd say, most likely lying to herself, making herself out to be the good guy in this picture.

When she found out that an Umbrum remained in her kingdom, under the watchful eye of the orphanage owner- Chestnut Falls- she kept an eye on this "intruder" in her midst. She watched him carefully, but he never seemed to do anything wrong. He was just slowly hardening, clamping himself deeper in a shell from years of abuse from his fellow classmates. It was hard to watch, she had to admit, but she stayed away.

One day, she actually ran into this young Umbrum- and by that I mean he literally bumped into her, causing both of them to lose their balance and fall. She was a bit mad at first, an attack on her? But then she realized he hopped quickly, his brow beaded with sweat as he apologized several times over, even helping her to her hooves. For the first time seeing him, she smiled and told him he needn't worry about it. He explained why he was running and that he was merely trying to escape another bullying session- in which she understood. They got to talking for a long while, introduced themselves to each other properly and even had some leisurely chat. She felt more comfortable around this Umbrum now- maybe because he was raised here he wasn't so bad?

A couple of years went by and Sombra had finally ran off, and Amore knew that he had finally learned what he truly was, and it was likely that he was going to learn that he was the only Umbrum left and return. But she was ready, ready to talk- but also ready to fight if need be, standing guard by the Crystal Heart.

Sombra soon returned, robed, as a hood covered his face, head low, as he walked to where the Crystal Heart stood, and where Amore watched. He was attempting to take it, but Amore approached, wanting to converse. Sombra asked her questions and made comments- wanting to know why she had killed off his people. She gave her answer, and then they started going back and forth with bickering. The longer it went on, the more Sombra became filled with spite. Every answer she gave ticked him off even more, and that's when she met her fate, as the malice controlling him raged out of his horn like a roaring fire and her transformation to a dark, lifeless crystal began. She tried to scream out for help, but it was much too late. She became a statue that Sombra soon enough shattered, scattering shards of her across the world with his magic. And thus, Amore's life came to a fatal end…

Or is she really gone for good…?


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