
I wanted to practice a bit with more realistic horse proportions, and the infamous Windigo was perfect for that! Besides, I've never drawn a full body Windigo before so this was super fun to do. Anyway, have some info about them from my AU!

Windigo are winter spirits who take the shape of horses, hailing from the dangerous Frozen North. Though these usually unseen creatures are said to be myth, they can and will spawn when there is a dangerous amount of disharmony among pony kind. These spirits know that ponies are meant to work together in unison, and not be divided by race, therefore will kick up a deadly blizzard as a sort of punishment- though as twisted and sadistic as that may sound.

Unlike other ghostly or monster-like creatures, the Windigo were not created by Grogar, instead by magic wind and snow in the area they live- the planet's very own watchers to keep the three tribes in check. They are very cold to the touch, to the point it would freeze one's person if they got too close to one for even a short period of time.

These creatures have a more physical form (as pictured), and a ghostly form they use for flying, a wispy tail replacing their hind legs. They are also very fast, which aids them in causing blizzards and high winds, most certainly a dangerous beauty. Windigo do not need to feed on anything, though it has been speculated they are fueled by disharmony and hatred, though the statement is false.


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