He's undergone a slight rework, including a name change, from when I first drew him up years ago with some creative input from Arbanis.
Teannta has quite the bouncy personality. Inspired (and perhaps, related to "in-universe") by draconequii and Discord in particular, he adores toying with ponies in surreal chaotic ways, like tugging them into sheets of music to bounce them about on the score, or swallowing them up to keep them stuck as a pattern on his belly to squeeze and poke at as he sings. He's very boastful, loving to flatter himself and his pattern that's just perfect for showing off how his belly curves and compresses when he balloons or someone presses a hoof in to squish it. He's always looking to be the center of attention, aided significantly by his "captivating" tunes that get ponies to bounce along with his songs as he sings and brags about what a bouncy blimpish dragon he is. It's always more fun when ponies let go of their silly inhibitions and let themselves become lost in his songs while bouncing on their new puffy padding for an afternoon or several~
Just keep him away from scotch. He has a bad habit of drinking more than he can handle and ending up a tipsy bubbly dragon warping reality in ways even he hadn't intended.
And, of course, he has his lover, Forte Fermata. He may enjoy playing with ponies on whims and stealing them away for an afternoon or so to join in on his wandering concerts, but above all she's his duet partner and he fawns over her just as much as she fawns over him. Much like Gomez and Morticia Addams, they're simply infatuated with the other and love to show off how much they care with their teasing and bouncy songs together. It's also quite hard to tug them out of their surreal duets once they start to bounce and serenade each other while pumping and puffing and blowing the other up~
They both know he's the best bloated beast about, and they can't be bothered with trivial things like reality getting in the way of them showing off~