Thus begins the proper sequel to the "Twilight Self-Mummification Bondage," series. A series that will ditch the whole self-bondage theme of the original. Instead somepony else will doing the mummy wrapping, with Twily as a willing wrapee this time. So instead of just standing there and wrapping herself in her own magic, she will be putting a bit of a show her master as the bandages wrap around her. As I planned out in a series of thumbnails over here >>2628481 Here we start out at layer 0, with Twilight making a sexy pose in skimpy egyptian garb while leaning on a sarcophagus while saying some words of encouragement to her master. With a costume I drew up last March >>2569189 and the lightboxed outline of the sarcophagus that was drawn last November >>2479781 Trying to get a good seductive pose for this pic was a bit of an ordeal >>2628479 I ultimately went with a frontal pose because it makes for a good before and after image comparison.