
Rainbow Dash quenches her thirst for pedal revenge on her marefriend (after the incident posted last month), in this doodle commissioned by superfun! The commissioner also paid for the story below, written by ExTor! Enjoy~

Applejack heaved and twisted in her bonds, breathing in the stifling summer air laced with her own sweat. Rope bit into her wrists, pushing her hands into her lumbar, rubbing the wet fabric of her denim shirt into her skin. Her thighs secreted sweat enough to coarsen her jeans. Blonde hairs messed with her eyelashes, and the uneven proportions of her wooden seat cut against her shoulders and her butt. With legs stretched forwards and ankles locked into a rough set of wooden stockades, it really could’ve helped having a slightly smaller butt, so it wouldn’t turn so sore from sitting on a flat pane of unpolished wood. AJ had what she had though, which was titanic physique, a massive ass, a chip on her shoulder and baggage that was currently biting back. Or scratching back, really. Because amid all this, she found herself having to repeatedly rumble and heave with ill-suppressed, tectonic laughs and guffaws, unable to escape the fact she was being tickle tortured in the middle of fucking Ponyville. Rainbow Dash, her maybe-girlfriend, was one hysterical minx. All AJ did was discipline her some time back – it wasn’t even that severe, really. Just a couple hours of showing the little blue shit what’s what, it was all in good fun, fine, hale and hearty. Dash probably even liked it, anyway, as far as she could reckon. Yeah, sure, maybe sitting on her head was a bit overmuch – considering the size of her ass – but AJ couldn’t trust any self-doubting reflexes popping into her system. On account of her butt aching away in place and all that. Sadly, she really did have way more than that to worry about, because Rainbow Dash was a savagely ferocious foot fetishist, for which she received no end of crap and abuse (which was fine), but which also lead her to have just the most backwards ideas sometimes (which was not fine). Applejack was in all ways the innocent party in this, but here she fucking was. Couldn’t even argue her innocence and call Dash enough names inbetween forced giggles and guffaws draining away at her lung power. Well actually she was laughing her head off, dizziness already setting in, but hey, she WAS doing her best to mix in some cusses in there. It was totally fine to react like this, right? She was only blushing because it was hot. Not because her size 16 (male; probably) feet were out completely bare in the sweltering wind, betrayed by their own prodigious size, as it prevented escaping the dexterous blue digits. More inconvenient, she’d just recently had them nicely filed off and prettied up – her balls, heels and toe pads still had their layers of rougher skin, and there was still a lot to claw through if you were to drag a finger down her arch, but some dead skin and callous actually mattered quite a lot when you were being tickled with no reprieve. In retrospect, Dash totally swindled her with that idea – better feet to walk over her poor still-aching wings with, yeah right. Her low arches were more pristine than ever, glistening with fresh sweat, and her bulbous toes hid between their smooth skinned stems a lot of painfully sensitive hollows. Normally, that’s where Dash would put her tongue before getting a heel to the snout. Now, this was where she’d put her nails, repeatedly, without stopping. Nails that she’d actually made sure to grow out. “WUH-HUHUH- WAHAH- GRRRHHH- WAHA- HAHAYYY TO GRRRHHH H-HOHOLD A GRUHUHUDGE!!! NNNYGHHH!!!” AJ slurped up some drool and thrust her head back, squeezing against her shoulderblades. “H-HAHA-HOW LO, L-LLLO-HOHONG DIDCH- DIDCHA COME UP WITH THI- HIHU-HUHUH-HISSS?!” “Eh. You’d wanna know, huh? Don’t care. Keep laughing for me, though.” AJ felt some tendons in her brain snap a little, seared away with sheer stress and hate. Good fuck, she couldn’t keep putting this act up for very long, this shit actually kind of sucked. Fingers kneading and clawing at her sweat sogged skin, sending irritant twitches through her bound, sweating body. Always finding ways to snake between her toes, with no amount of squeezing keeping Dash at bay. Harsh bristles scrubbing away at her soles, used to stepping on all sorts of surfaces, yet giving in to stern fibers and sending her into unwanted, eye-watering peals of laughter to echo through the streets. Oh, this sucked. She was only about to start calling out to the ponies that’d gathered to watch the wild spectacle when Dash waylaid her again. The earth pony had only just taken a gulp of spittle-laced air when her feet suddenly had to experience two brushes at once. Set at a diagonal angle to harass as much of the arch as possible, Dash began trying to erase Applejack’s feet from existence, it felt like. “AHA- GUHAH- GEHEHEHEH AHAHAH! AAAHHH SHIHIT, SLOHOHOW DOHOHOWN!” AJ screamed, thrusting forward in disbelief. This was haystacks hella ticklish. She could pop a vessel from surprise. “YEHEHER AHARMS- GUHUH- GONNA- KHHH- FAHAhahaall ooohoh- *COUGH!* OFF! NEEEHEH, AH, AHAH!!!” “I’m fine, you go whine some more.” She could hardly hear the crowd behind the creaking of her bondage and the aggressive skrattle-schrakk-skritch of Dash’s brushes against her feet. If there were callouses left amid her tough, defiantly curling expanse, that was gonna be over with. Because Dash brushed for like half a fucking hour. AJ was pretty good at telling the time of day by the sun herself, indeed. It sure sucked that she had one durable pair of arms… AJ had to hang her head and just focus on deep breathing, heart thumping too hard to overhear any of the excited chatter to pick up on any input from the idjits gathering to watch this abuse of injustice. She’d gotten an opening when Dash put the damned brushes away. Looking at this smug mug made her stomach churn, which sucked, as her stomach was starting to ache. “Yeah, so I’m done fucking around. Get wrecked, Applejack, ‘kay?” Dash said, wrapping some weird rubber bands around her feet. Applejack muttered hoarsely under her breath, confused. There were already bands holding her toes in place, what now? There didn’t even go around her toes – she’d set one band hanging behind the top of her right foot, and was now setting up the same on the left. “Alright, gonna go for 10 minutes – after you start crying.” “Theee fffuck are you… pfoof… even-“ Applejack began asking, before literally jumping in her seat. She shrieked in pain. “GAH!!! HNN, THE FUCK?!” “Just snapping a fucking band against your arch, you stupid hick! Ha, what a loser.” Now this was fucking bullshit, because it hurt like stepping onto a nail, not that AJ’d done that – she wasn’t a stupid hick, she knew how to barefoot around. Well, too bad, maybe it’d have prepared her for a strip of taut rubber smacking her most sensitive spots at insane speed. Again and again, first one sole, then another, Dash slingshotted noisy rubber bands against her tough skin. Turns out, her skin is only so tough to percussion. A few snaps, and this shit begins to get sooore. Painful twitches traveled up her legs and into her chest, causing her to cough up, dry and wet. Loud like gunshots against the meaty texture of her feet, these bands must’ve left some marks. She was feeling the aftershocks, alright. Heaving, gulping and wheezing, AJ ground her teeth through snap after another snap, struggling to spit out curses or to egg Dash on. This act was becoming harder and harder to keep going… Eventually, she managed: “AAAH! J-JUST- KEEP-“ Applejack intended to say ‘keep going, get everyone deaf’, but her mouth instead spat out. “THE FFFUCK AWAY FROM MY FEET AL-ALREHEADY!!! I got enough! Just… pfff…” “HAH. Wow. Begging already. Hey Applejack, you do like, remember that we’re not even halfways done? Oh hey, she’s cryin’. HILARIOUS.” Dash stared down smugly, fists on her hips. She pulled the rubber bands away, painful stings still echoing through the earth mare’s body. “Actually, shit, it’s pretty hot. Hey, your apples feeling roasted?” “nnngh… Whatch-whatcha think, I’m in the darned middle of direct sunlight!” “That’s what I thought, you’re not roasted AT ALL! Here ya go,” Dash proclaimed, procuring a matchbox from her pants pocket. She clawed at AJ’s hurting left foot and dexterously slammed four matches between each toe while it had reflectively scrunched. That shit hurt. The earthen mare barely had time to swear before the same was done to her right. “Alright guys, if she drops ‘em before, eehhh… I measured it… 15 seconds pass… then I make her go again until my box is empty. Drop a match and I start putting ciggies up against your little piggies, got it? Hah, shit, I’m funny.” “…you huh-WHAT? Hey, get that- HEY ARE-“ Applejack’s green eyes filled up virtually the entirety of her eyeballs as Dash passed a lighter by each matchhead. The mare gasped, seeing each stick light up with a low flame. It was like the world froze for a moment, enough to hear a few picture snaps. Yeah this’d be scenic, her gawking in disbelief at her scrunched toes, peppered with lit matches like a birthday cake. “-W-W-W-WH-WHAT… TTTHE… FFFF… IT’S- shit it’s HOT! You’re- FUCKING- THIS- BETTER- hnngh- BETTER BE SOME KINDA FUCKING PRANK OR- RRRRGHHH! HNNNFF!!!” It was no prank, and Dash’s grinning exterior was all the proof for it. It was legit flames crawling down to the stems of her toes. AJ winced in pain and anticipation. Had she not gone through that bit of manicure, the fires would’ve taken to the miniscule little hairs growing on the tops. This was her literal only saving grace, because besides that, she knew it’d hurt like hell. Her legs got so tense that a cramp beset her left foot, and she… dropped the matches. “HAHA! LOSER! Whoosh!” Dash blew out the still-burning right set. Her cool breath sent another shock up AJ’s spine, having come right against horribly abused skin and whatnot. “Aaaand here we go again, from the top.” “Fuck… fffuck… fuck, fuck-“ And so it repeated. And then again. And then Dash intentionally dragged a finger up her sole to get her to drop them. And then AGAIN. And then she just started delivering wispy tickles the moment they lit up. So many times, waiting for the fire to begin crawling down, too tense and pressured to even put up a fight. The bitch even kissed her right on the horribly smacked arch in the middle of one of the match sets. Eventually, the sniffling, heaving mess of Applejack just pulled her willpower together and weathered a 30 seconds of wispy tickles and teasing. Her reward – legit scorching marks on the tops of all her toes. Dash blew the matches out after a second or two, but that HURT. By this point, she was ready to just start giving concessions. “I’m- aahhh… ffuck… I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry! Dash, please, just stop already, I didn’t wanna-“ “Yeah okay, I hear ya. You’re feeling too hot.” Dash shot her a finger gun and then reached over to the side of the stocks. “Well I got something for that shit, Applejack!” AJ stared, mouth askew, at an ice tray, of all fucking things. There was some laughter. It was either the laugh track to this moment in her life, or someone also saw the irony. It almost felt alluring, but AJ was way too savvy – and way too hurt – to believe it would be. Valid fucking guess, because when Dash pushed dense ice cubes into her hot, sweaty, scubbed, rubber-bashed skin, it was *agony*. The contrast made her whole face screw up. She thrust forward, coating her burn marks with spit, as she screamed in abject confusion. Icy spears penetrated her whole spine. And indeed, she must’ve been so hot that the ice cubes went down fast. It wasn’t long until Dash deemed she was frosty enough, a point at which Applejack could only gulp, try to keep breathing, and bemoan the fact that her stamina was on par with… Rainbow Dash’s own, really. So if she started saying she might pass out, that’d be a fucking lie. The ice felt as if her whole nervous system got tossed out and replaced with a new one, only AJ was obviously not thinking so smartly at the moment; she just knew everything felt sorer than ever, and her lungs were burning, and her eyes were itching. Teeth clattering, she glared at Dash, who paraded around her stocks, in what was now turning into evening light. The pegasus leaned in from above (actually using her wings to take off the ground – she was way too short to tower over her) and smirked right in AJ’s reddened, tear and sweat soaked face, scattered clumps of blonde hair tripping into her eyelashes and nostrils. She flicked a finger at her nose and said: “Hey, look lively now. What, you think I was done? BWAHAHAH! Wow, SOMEONE’s fucking gullible. Ha-ha.” Dash grinned, all teeth showing. “Actually, this was just to tenderize you. We’re here all night. Gonna charge everyone else to have a go with you. I mean you can take it, right? ‘s only fair. I gotta get my benefits from this relationship somehow! Now breathe in deep, Applejack-“ She procured an even more horrible brush, coated in rows of needle-like teeth, and ran a finger against it. TRRRK. “-cause I gotta re-heat your ass with some merciless tickles. You look chilly.” AJ spent the next few seconds regathering her breath and trying to keep her willpower together. It was enough for Dash to sit down in front of the stocks and begin to scrub away at her iced, scorched, beaten and previously tickled feet. They’d been at this for at least 3 hours, but it felt like it’d only just begun – hurting, aching, tiring and so unbelievably draining. Not just her endurance (that was her strong suit) – but knowing she’d never get away from this one tiny incident. Somehow, she knew it wasn’t gonna get much easier with the massive line prepared to get her later. And these horrid teeth made the previous brushes seem like baby stuff. Facing the pinkening skies, AJ let out a barrage of begging, pleading, squealing and other desperation. ‘Please’s, ‘Sorry’s, ‘Stop’s, ‘Dash’s and an ocean of gargaleptic, desperate laughter. Fuel to the flames of Rainbow Dash and seemingly all of Ponyville that AJ had somehow offended (now HOW would she, a perfectly upstanding pony, ever do that?!). 9 more hours. 9 more hours of teasing, taunting, fingerpads caressing her abused soles, nails raking down sensitive arches, toothbrushes invading her toes, flossy string scrubbing every single digit, plastic backs of evil hairbrushes littering her soles with hurtful spanks, conditioning oil to keep her skin from wrinkling up, more rubber snaps, and a customary burning cigarette extinguished against every toe pad, every stem, every quadrant of both balls, and in a spiral of both her arches (that was probably to mark how many people got their hands on her). AJ didn’t even get the mercy of passing out. Earthen physique was just too tough. Which fucking sucked, because Dash decided to just leave her in the stocks overnight after the show was over so it’d be up to someone else to get her the fuck outta there. With zero padding, AJ would have to walk away with rope burns, friction burns on the verge of bleeding, and likely a few splinters. She had to meet the morning still sitting in the middle of the town square, unwillingly twitching and throbbing with her nerves still processing the abuse she’d gone to, and her mind replaying the worst, most insidious things that’d been said to her. And who would figure that she, the innocent apple tree that she was, one who’d by no means wronged anyone or gotten on anyone’s nerves or forced anyone into any uncomfortable situations just to parade around in bare feet or make fun of someone else’s pent up shyness, or otherwise just to show off how much stronger she was than whoever she felt like giving ‘friendly’ abuse to ‘all in good fun’, was actually still in her stocks even after people’d begun to come out of their homes? One could only guess. Well, Twilight wasn’t in town, so, go figure.

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