
Originally posted on: September 29, 2018, 4:52 AM UTC
Unexpected Addendum
Chrysalis' year spent in Canterlot castle wasn't a bad one if she was being honest, her deal to marry Celestia in order to bring her changelings into the light was working in her favor far better than she could have imagines or dare hoped for. Celestia was surprisingly humble about her triumph over the war Chrysalis waged and lost for her subjects and the sun queen even made for pretty decent company in the times Chrysalis managed to swallow her pride and allow the mare to make small attempts at amicability. However the looming cloud of defeat and political imprisonment followed her like a shadow around the castle, which she wasn't allowed to leave without Celestia or a full guard detail Chrysalis thought bitterly.

She was well aware of her crimes and wouldn't apologize for a single one because every little move she made it was for the betterment of her people. You could have chosen a different path her traitorous mind whispered and left her to dwell on her past. The staff and guards still eyed her suspiciously at least the moon queen and her umbrum husband were understanding of dark pasts and redemption arcs and they even let her be around the pair's two foals. Due to their pact, one that Celestia religiously upheld, Chrysalis hadn't felt deep hunger since she first crawled begging to the sun queen.

It wasn't long after one of those required feedings that Chrysalis began to feel ill. She wanted to ride it out, let it pass because surely it was only a bug or bout of flu. When the symptoms persisted for more than a week, a week spent with Celestia's increasing concern. The sun queen had already seen her vulnerable and so she was the only one Chrysalis allowed to minimally tend to her. However Celestia finally put her hoof down when the symptoms weren't fading and she forced Chrysalis to go see one of the castle's physicians. Begrudgingly Chrysalis went but demanded she go alone in spite of Celestia's show of force, even though her mind whispered ,traitor, that it came from a place of caring.

The nurse was formal and on edge around the changeling queen something that only worsened Chrysalis' already sour mood. And when the mare had the gall to place a pregnancy test in front of her she nearly snapped at the doctor's incompetence. She and Celestia were not intimate, you could barely call them friendly, and certainly not in love. She scoffed but acquiesced knowing that if she refused a test and Celestia found out the alicorn would be furious. After completing the examination and waiting for the results, the green mare approached her nervously and floated a small object into her hoof.

Chrysalis paled when she glanced at the pregnancy test that she had so easily dismissed, two little lines had her world come crashing down around her. She couldn't be pregnant, it wasn't possible. Her illegitimate child with Dutchess Cadance had been conceived when she was posing as the dutchesses consort, it had been a natural pony conception (as natural as it could be with a changeling). This marriage was a front, an imprisonment hidden under the guise of diplomacy, and a child was never part of the program. What would Celestia think, likely that she had snuck around with a stallion to begin creating a plan to overthrow the current monarchy. Her changelings would likely be slaughtered on the whispers of treason.

No she couldn't let that happen, she thought as tears sprang to her eyes, she would forfeit her life first. Looking at the doctor Chrysalis quickly ran through her options: one she tried to convince Celestia that somehow this thing growing inside her belonged to the sun queen, which probably wouldn't happen; two she would terminate this thing before it became a problem, but the doctor had likely been ordered to report her findings to Celestia so no matter what she would be found out and god if it somehow was Celestia's that might further cast her into the pits of Tartarus; or lastly she could make the doctor disappear but that she know would instantly end her contract with Celestia and once again doom her changelings.

"Your majesty" The green mare timidly broke through her spiraling thoughts, "I might be overstepping my boundaries but when the test came back positive, I ran a DNA test on the baby". The doctor shifted her hooves nervously under the rapt attention of the bug queen. "I am Queen Celestia's main physician, and as such I am both privy to all her health changes and sworn to secrecy of the information she shares, an oath I take very seriously. I don't know hoe but that baby growing inside you belongs to the Queen".

Chrysalis' mouth dropped open, it couldn't be possible. She looked back to the offending object and then down to her own stomach, it didn't betray the growing life insider her. How would Celestia react to that, they hadn't discussed children in their contract. It wasn't something either thought would come up in a million years. Chrysalis knew though even from the first moment she laid eyes on the positive test that she wouldn't allow this child to be killed, so few of her changelings were left and she wouldn't cause the death of another.

Chrysalis steeled her resolve and met the Doctor's worried gaze "I will tell Celestia myself" she commanded much more fiercely than she was feeling but upon seeing the mare flinch she softly added, "However if you have any theories on how this happen I would appreciate an outside opinion". The doctor relaxed a bit, Chrysalis scolded herself for not remembering the mare's name.

"I've thought a bit about it and I think it was a reaction to your peak fertility time and a coinciding feeding with the Queen" The mint mare explained but before Chrysalis could point out how that has never happened before the doctor continued, "I also believe it wouldn't of happened without the love being given freely and willingly, perhaps even with intent". Chrysalis let the explanation sink in, allowing her self to accept the possibility before the last of the Doctor's statement hit her like a ton of bricks.

"If you are so privy to Celestia then you must know this marriage is purely political and there is now way she could be having actual feelings for me, we barely tolerate each other" Chrysalis denied looking disbelievingly at the mare.

A small smile came over the Doctor's face before she responded, "I think that's how this thing may have started but I think even you know that things can change". Chrysalis glared again but it seemed to have much less of an effect this time, she huffed before climbing down from the exam table, "If we are done here, I have a difficult conversation to attend to".

"Of course" The mare bowed, which shocked Chrysalis, the staff and citizens only paid her that respect in the presence of Celestia, Luna, or Sombra. How had this conversation garnered her the respect of the doctor, or maybe it was just the news of the child that had changed her heart (though Chrysalis secretly wished that was not the case). "Please come see me regularly so we can monitor you and the baby and make sure you are both progressing nicely" the doctor bid goodbye but before Chrysalis made it out the door she heard a soft, "And please feel free to stop by if you need to talk to someone other than the ruling parties".

Chrysalis hastily closed the door and leaned against the cool wood for a moment to catch her breath and calm her mind. With a small watery chuckle she made her way to where Celestia would be waiting for her, she guessed the doctor wasn't so bad after all.

I've had this piece finished for like two weeks and just haven't had the time or motivation to figure out the story to go with it but Woo this is a long one for not really having the dialogue planned out at all! I really like the thought of Chrysalis and Celestia relationship evolving and this would be a major turning point for both of them. (Yes the doctor is slightly based off Mercy from Overwatch πŸ˜‰ )

The background is reference from: and another one that I can't seem to re-find.
Chrysalis' expression is a reference from:
The couch is referenced from:


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