- Despite Sirius Veil's objection, he is often tempted by stallions who flirt with him. He will never admit to this temptation, of course, as it is unbecoming to show such weakness. That and he has a marefriend… somewhere in the club. He just has to make simple small talk that doesn't lead to him being asked out by every handsome buck that talks to him.
He's totes not into stallions, guys. He swears!
- A moment between young Sirius and Ms. Pinkie. Pinkie wants to brighten up the sour faced colts day, so she gifts him some Groucho glasses. Its silly and surely will bring a smile to this colts… What? He doesn't like foalish things like this? Well, keep it at least, huh?
Sirius at this time, has already been soured to most things due to his time in Canterlot. His desire to be respected makes it hard for him to enjoy most things. the glasses were, at most, just a random gift from Ms. Pinkie that will be stuffed in his closet, never to see the light of day.
Note: My head cannon is that the famous Comedian, Groucho Marx, was a dear that immigrated to Equestria and dazzled he ponies with his standup and performances. As Deer are usually more subdued, this was a welcome change of pace for most ponies.
Bottom left to Right
- A new antagonist to my universe, Rigel Latchkey. He's an up and coming gang leader, dealing in drugs, liquor and information. If you want one of those three things, the best place to visit is his gang, Canopus Rex. Not much is known about him, as rarely shows his face to others save for his right-hoof guys. He has bases in Manhatten and has begun creeping into Canterlot though Empress Luna isn't making it easy for him.
— time in the Kitchen with Capoeira and her Uncle Flim. While Cap loves having company, she hates when somepony else gets in the way of her work in the kitchen. The kitchen is her domain. None shall enter unless they are receiving a plate from her or making a request. Poor Flim, wanting to help, is unable to keep his hooves from messing up everything.