Well apparently after the magic of friendship was lost(stolen) the ponies started trying to force the creatures to act more pony and the creatures refused a civil war broke out and ended with the Council of Alicorns dividing the kingdom into segregated territories.
Of course we now know more about the plot, and they must have seen a very, very early version of the movie that was scrapped and for good reason!
See the 4chan user, claimed the main character was a Pegasi but it was revealed to be an earth pony.
They also claimed that, three of Mane 5 would be a Changeling, a bat pony and Hippogriff.
Well that’s clearly not the case!
If they were telling the truth which I doubt..they saw a version that test audiences HATED. This is nothing new, all animated films go through revisions and rewrites.
Really The Lion King was going to be faaaar more f****d up..really look it up.
This is more of making fun of that.
Seriously I doubt the leaders of those kingdoms would have supported Twilight’s dream and school if they found out their kingdoms would become assimilated and then segregated..there’s no way in the flipping universe Hasbro would allow this to happen.
I think the only segregated ponies are the Earth, Pegasi and Unicorns.