
Spent the last hour working on her design! I really like how she came out, very s p a r k l y


Name: Opal Wave

Age: 16

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Parents: Ocellus, Silverstream

Siblings: none

Relatives: Terramar (uncle) Scootaloo (aunt) Riptide (cousin) Sky Beak and Ocean Flow (grandparents) Pharynx (grandfather)

Type: Hippogriff (85%) Changeling (15%) (although she sees herself more as a hippogriff than a changeling)


-jokes around a lot

Cutie Mark/Special Talent

since Opal isn’t even a pony, she doesn’t have a cutie mark. Her special talent may be something to do with summer fun, but she is still figuring that out.


A little more about Opal….

-Opal may be a bubbly, happy-go-lucky hippogriff but she is scared of how ponies will treat her. She lives on Mt. Aris, but she goes to the school of friendship, so she is normally disguised as a pony. (Hmmm… I wonder who I’ll pair her with….. 😉)

-Opal can change her appearance to anything but a full changeling or a hippogriff


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