
Here's Celestia again!! I also have a whole bunch of headcanons for her- there's some minor swearing bnrtgjrmtg

- Daybreaker was very possible and would have happened, had Nightmare Moon not happened first. Celestia had a huge lust for power when she was younger, and the only thing that made her realize this was banishing her sister to the moon. Her lust of power meant she used the elements of harmony improperly, and that is the only reason why her sister was trapped on the moon for so long instead of the dark magic being destroyed.

- Celestia is actually buff as f u c k- but she uses enchantments to appear less so. She doesn't want to intimidate her subjects.. and it was an old habit because this dumb horse just wanted to look 'pretty' when she was younger.. and it just kinda.. stuck. Despite what others may think, Celestia is not as helpless as it may seem. She goes down with a fucking fight, but she doesn't use all her power because she wants to make sure her subjects will be safe. Sometimes the only reason why the mane 6 are able to defeat villains is because Celestia very nearly beats the hell out of them. Occasionally, Celestia does go down 'easily', simply because she had some strong emotional attachment to the creature trying to bring her down.. cough, cough, Chrysalis.

- She is in a relationship with Novo and Chrysalis. Queen poly queen poly-

- She has several children, though most aren't as long lived as her. There is at least one exception, though.

- She has an illegitimate son with Queen Chrysalis. (Hint- he's already in the show, but is barely seen. He's not really someone you see that many headcanons of. If you can guess who it is, I'll do headcanons on him next!)

- On the equinoxes and solstices, Luna and Celestia create eclipses to celebrate the occasion.

- Celestia can make bird noises. That is all.

- Celestia radiates heat. She gives the best hugs-

-Daybreaker is incredibly hot. Her hair is basically lava. Her armor is enchanted to not melt, but when she gets into a rage it will start to melt. If she were to come in contact with Nightmare Moon, her hair would resemble lava that's just been cooled after leaving the crust. She will also be slower, but at the same time, much stronger and defensive.

- Celestia may have a regal reputation, but she enjoys pulling small pranks on ponies she's comfortable around. For example, it's unlikely she'll prank, say, a noble, but she will totally prank the citizens of Ponyville.

- Celestia entered a deep depression after sending her sister to the moon. Because of this, she raised the sun one hour later than it normally does… think the Equestrian equivalent of daylight savings.

- Celestia has a more than shady past. She's made quite a few decisions in her younger years that have cost her greatly. She is partially responsible for the starvation of the changelings and of course we all know about Luna.

- While Celestia is diplomatic now, this wasn't always the case. In the early eras of her rule, she was quick to call to action and Luna had to persuade her to not do such things.

- Celestia has had many partners, such as Empress Amore, but none of them really felt right until she went into a relationship with Chysalis and Novo.

- Novo and Celestia wrote to each other for a long time, but Novo was unable to send any letters to her after the Storm King conquered Mount. Eris.

I think that's a good list of the main points I have for her! I'm loving sharing my headcanons so far.


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