
Pinkie and Rarity belong to Hasbro
Note: I used their "Pony Life" and "Canon" designs to create one I was happy with, these are in no way original and I don't claim these two as my own they belong to Hasbro.

Pinkamena Diane Pie (Pinkie Pie): Pinkamena (known as Pinkie) was adopted by Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quarts. Pinkie's birth mother was a close friend of Cloudy Quarts who fell on hard times after getting out of a horrible relationship. Pinkie's mother was no good to herself let alone the newborn foal she asked her friend to do her this one kindness, raise the foal as her own. Cloudy Quarts argued that the foal looked nothing like herself or Igneous there was no way anypony would believe it. Long story short Cloudy ended up adopting the filly and never telling her the truth.

Despite being different to everyone else in her family Pinkie always had a smile on her face, she was eternally happy it was like nothing phased her. Cloudy and Igneous couldn't have been happier to see their daughter (adopted or not) so full of life. They of course loved all of their children but Pinkie had a special place in their hearts. Pinkie had an affinity for baked good and sweets from a young age, even on the rock farm so when she got a part-time job at sugar cube corner her parents weren't surprised they were supportive of her. Pinkie made sure to make friends with everypony feeling as thought friends was something she'd been lacking while on the Rock Farm it was like she was trying to make up for lost time. The first pony she happened to meet was Miss Rarity who had already established a name for herself in Ponyville as a fashionista and owner of the local Boutique.

Pinkie suffered a little when all of Equestria seemed to know her name, she understand that being a bearer of an element of Harmony would bring attention to her. But EVERYPONY knew her name now. Rarity assured Pinkie Pie that there was nothing to worry about and Pinkie appreciated the Unicorns kind words. Pinkie and Rarity remained close friends. Pinkie may not have understood all of Rarity's eccentricates but it didn't matter! Rarity was the first mare to air her feelings that she may and may not have had a crush on Pinkie who was actually stunned into silence for once. The admission threw her because she'd never actually considered a relationship with any pony especially not Rarity. The unicorn knew her admission was out of the blue and allowed the Earth Pony time to pull her head around things, so long as she promised no matter what they would always remain friends. Pinkie promised they would always be friends.

After a few days Pinkie admitted she felt the same way about Rarity but hadn't given any form of relationship a thought ever so she wanted to take it slow. Rarity was willing to go at any pace Pinkie wanted. Their relationship blossomed and news travels fast. Some of the Canterlot elite looked down their noses at the earth pony why would somepony like Rarity want to associate with her!? Rarity defended her marefriend and the elite actually admired her and Pinkie for it. Pinkie had thankfully come to terms with the fact that not everypony was going to like her and if the snobby-snobs of snobhill wanted to talk down to her they were okay-dokey to do that. If that's all they could think of doing they clearly had nothing more important to be doing.

When Pinkie and Rarity got married they decided they really wanted to start and family and so started trying for a baby. They hadn't expected to fall pregnant so quickly. Pinkie decided to carry seeing as Rarity had her fashion things to do. The pregnancy was actually pretty smooth as was the delivery. Rarity took paternity leave to help with the baby. She also insisted on naming the baby considering Pinkie's name suggestions were all too long and complicated.

Rarity: Rarity may be a simple unicorn from a simple town but that didn't mean she didn't have big ideas. Her parents were supportive but had tried to ask her not to aim to high. Rarity understood her parents worried about her being disappointed but she had trust in her ability. Being a friend of Princess Twilight obviously helped and when she opened her stores having all the elements of harmony present defiantly brought in more hoof-traffic but she believed it was her own skill and customer service that brought customers back.

Rarity kept her dreams big but always planned accordingly, she made sure she always had some savings behind her and tested the waters before blowing ahead with a big business venture.

Rarity had always been aware that she was attracted to the fairer sex. She was flattered when the colts at school would ask her out but she would always politely decline. So when she realised she had a crush on Pinkie Pie she made her move. Rarity was mildly surprised when Pinkie needed time to process and it was an anxious wait for Rarity. Pinkie came back to her and admitted she's never considering relationships so Rarity asking had been a shock but not something unwelcome. Rarity and Pinkie were a very loving couple and all of their friends found their courtship to be very sweet. Rarity faced some pointed questions from the Canterlot elite but she put her hoof down and defended her mare friend valiantly.

When they married Rarity of course wanted a big white wedding. Pinkie indulged her fiancé because of course she did, her only request was that she could decide on the cake. The wedding was perfect in Rarity's opinion it was everything she wanted and the cake was one of her favourite cakes! (Pinkie had really out done herself).

When their first foal came she was overjoyed. She pampered the little filly and couldn't wait to show the filly off to her friends.


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