
Name: twilight sparkle
Parents: twilight velvet, night light
siblings: prince shining armor
husband: flash sentry
Other family members: Dayspring sentry [daughter], Evenfall sparkle [daughter], dusktime sentry [son], tempest shadow [ex-wife], fizzle gleam [daughter], princess candance [sister in law], princess flurry heart [neice]
Species: alicorn
Gender: female
Sexuality: Pansexual
She was originally crowned as 'the Princess of equestria' but with time and as the ponies also had wanted, she was crowned as 'the queen of Equestria' later on [and that is the origin of her changed accessories]. Being the representative of equestria, she has always served her people the best she can. She wants to make her children able to succeed her one day and always serve the equestria. She had initially wanted her eldest daughter to be the next princess of friendship, but fizzle gleam was more interested in seeing the whole world with tempest and Dayspring had like no interest in friendship during her childhood. But she saw the potential in her third daughter Evenfall and made her her successor as the princess of friendship. Twilight serves as the princess of sun and moon and is also helped by celestia's daughter and Luna's daughter.


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