
Living alone can get really boring from time to time. So after a long uneventful week, Sugar decided to leave the house and visit the local hot springs. Greeted by stunning scenery of glowing rocks and water and overgrown walls, she wandered deeper into the cave until she found a nice spot to take a dip. After setting down her clothing and getting more comfortable with the water temperture, Sugar lowered herself into the clear, warm waters. Many minutes later, her silent state of repose was interupted by a noise, yet as she looked around there was nobody in sight. Not having a moment to think about leaving she heard it again, however this time it was very clear and close. Hearing the voice a third time, she was sure where it came from, a small cluster of crystals. The voice spoke softly and friendly. Taking one of the crystals in her hands, Sugar started conversing with this strange yet lovely voice, sharing stories and small. It was truely a relaxing experience, one very much needed.~

Sugar Buns taking a day for herself to relax, but getting into a surprising conversation in the process!


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