3rd Jul 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery Cure
If you trust your players to be invested in telling the best story for everyone, and you're willing to put the final experience above your prototype plans, then they can be a great guide.
DM: Okay, so this isn't totally working. I wanted you all to be competent at your new jobs, but… that doesn't seem to be that important or what you really want. Would it be better if we ditched the whole sheet-swapping thing? We say that only your Cutie Marks have swapped and otherwise you're _terrible_ at your new roles.
Rarity: Strangely enough, that does have a certain appeal.
Applejack: Yeah, it's a bit more interestin', Ah think. It's one thing that changed, but it changes so much.
Rainbow Dash: Weirdly, it being so "wrong" kind of feels more… right.
Fluttershy: And it means we'll beat it by being our true selves.
Pinkie Pie: Validation! Human beings like being told and proving that we're beautiful and right just the way we are!
DM: Okay then! Can't say I saw this coming, but if it works, it works!