Arietta Reference Sheet
Name: Arietta
Nickname(s): Ari
Parents: Octavia, Vinyl Scratch (bio-mothers via magic)
Species: Unicorn
Build: average
Gender: Female
*Occupation: *Member of a Manehatten Concert Group
Place of Birth: Las Pegasus
Place of Residence: Manehatten
*General bio:
* Arietta is a near carbon copy of Vinyl Scratch, she's loud, energetic, and wild and she adores dressing like a rock star, but oddly when it comes to music she followed closer to Octavia's style. Her music is gentle, soft, and soothing and the only time Arietta goes still and quiet; her music calms her and helps to clear her mind so she can think and process events or conversations. Arietta has a deep appreciation for playing music and refuses to use her magic to help her play her Kalimba.
Arietta takes life by the horns and when she sets her mind to something, she finds any way or means to get there even if that means dragging her friends or others into her goals. She loves traveling with her mothers when they have shows or concerts away from Manehatten and it was during one of Vinyl's tours that Octavia gave birth to Arietta in Las Pegasus.
* *Arietta, when not playing her music, is in a state of near constant movement and fidgeting. She's just so excited to go, do, or see that if she has to remain rather stationary she fidgets. She tries to combat this by having bracelets to play with or quietly drawing out music sheets with her hooves.
Another beautiful girl designed for me by Peep-Dis :3*
Chibi Base by Trickate
Anthro Base by LavvytheJackalope