Despite her dislike of the former submissive, Cantata could not be seriously angry with Glide. The pegasus was too soft and open. Moreover, Velvet remembered how Glide got hurt… No, Cantata couldn't afford to be unnecessarily harsh with Graceful.
So when the door was scratched once again and opened without waiting for an answer, Velvet did not yell or hit with magic.
"Graceful, why are you acting like a foal, I'm … Whisp?! What do you need?"
"I'm sorry that I didn't wait for permission… Cantata, is everything all right?"
Velvet leaned back in her chair and covered her face with her hands with a groan. She really wanted to throw something heavy at Willow, but she restrained herself. The half-Changeling occupied a disadvantageous position right in front of the neighbor's locker with magic trinkets.
"Willow, don't bother me, please go away! I want to be alone and I am not eager to join the gatherings of former "reds""
"Frisky is with us. And she doesn't have any worries about it."
"I'm not Frisky. If she feels good around you, then I don't!"
The half-changeling sank into an empty chair. And she sighed softly.
"Velvet… Have you ever wondered why?"
As much as Willow was calm, the Cantata was just as exploded.
"Fuck!!! Yes, I wondered! Do you know what the point is, Whisp?! Are you know, you fucking nymphomaniac?! Do you know?!"
Velvet's horn and fingers were enveloped in a dark crimson haze as she jumped up from her chair and turned to the half-changeling. Willow wished for a second that she hadn't even gone to the pianist. But she still managed to keep her concentration.
"I tried to get out of slavery as best I could! As i could, knocking everything i could into the blood! And you! You, bitches, put your feet up to the top and were happy with that! Of course! You've been fucked enough!"
Cantata subtly quickly threw her hand in Willow's direction and clenched her fingers into a fist. The half-changeling rose into the air, enveloped in the same crimson glow. Magic squeezed her chest and neck, suffocating her. Whisp wheezed.
"Velvet… Velvet, please…"
"If we would help each other! If only we'd stuck together! It would be possible to do at least something! At least something!"
When Whisp was already wheezing from lack of oxygen, something broke in the unicorn. Cantata swung her arm, pinning Willow to the wall and sank to the floor. Angry, hot tears were running from the pianist's eyes.
"Anything at all, Whisp…"
Velvet clutched her knees, shaking in silent crying.
"And you know… The most… The worst, Whisp? They… they… In front of my eyes… They tortured and broke my best friend… Almost a sister… To hurt me. To break me… But I persevered. Moonlight Violin is not. And "red collared" helped them… Those who could help my friend, help me- helped to torturing us… How can I love you after this, answer me, Willow?"
This is fragment of my rehabilitation story to Fall of Equestria You can read it by the links