
Lyrica Lilac (gaily): "Oh ho ho, no need to fret, dear! Just a few days with me, and I'll have you acting like a proper Canterlot pony. Then you'll have no issues fitting in!"

Square Peg (hesitant): "S-sure, Auntie. Sounds great…"

Lyrica means well, really, but she doesn't seem to realize how she's unintentionally putting down her niece, or how unsure Peg is since she already was having a hard enough time trying to fit in in her own hometown, and now she's in Canterlot which is full of some of the most judgmental ponies in Equestria. I think you perfectly captured both their emotions, Lyrica's cheerful expression (albeit somewhat oblivious to what Peg is feeling) and Peg's reserved expression, wondering how well her visit with her aunt will go and what the ponies here will be like. (Luckily, she'll end up crossing paths with a certain geeky stallion who also knows how it feels having trouble fitting in and would think Peg is perfect exactly how she is. )


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