Yeah, the game got the cease and desist, but I got permission to post these~
Sorry for the boring multiple takes. Leedin made sure I matched Rarity's voice as much as possible, serving as a second ear, and I gave as many takes as I could so he could pick the ones he liked. Though, in the end, all of them never got used, even if a chunk of these made it into the game either before the leak or in time for cons.
It's kinda funny. Because of my involvement in Fighting is Magic, I actually got cast as Rarity in quite a few MLP fan projects, regardless of folks never hearing the final recordings that made it into the game. In fact, I still get requests to voice Rarity in fan projects, YEARS since the initial audition recordings. I can't help but feel grateful that there're folks who still think of me, regardless of what happened to Mane6~
Lately, I've been super busy, evident by my irregular uploads and occasional filler (coughs). I'm not sure if I'll have time to record for as many fan projects for a long while, including MLP ones. That being said, I'll turn down most Rarity and MLP opportunities, if first-time listeners are unaware of how busy I can be.
Either way, thanks for all of the support, for both me, and Mane6~ It's very much appreciated~
Anyways, as a fun aside for the people actually reading this… VOICE ACTING COMMENTARY TIME:
Recording for Rarity was an interesting challenge, since the Mane6 team did EVERYTHING they could to match the feel of the show as much as possible. It's one thing to voice match Rarity, and another to make her work in the world the game was aiming for. As an actress, and one who voiced in a fighting game before, I generally didn't like "weak"-sounding efforts, or the sounds people make when they're getting hit or attacking. It drove me bonkers whenever I heard games where the character didn't sound like they were legitimately taking or dishing out damage.
Aside from having a tricky time matching Tabitha St. Germain's performance as closely as I could, despite Rarity's voice subtly changing across 2 seasons if you listen carefully enough, I had to make sure Rarity sounded like she was getting hurt like she would in the show. And NOT "as if Rarity was, for reals, getting hurt or hurting others badly". Getting bapped and bopped and attacking other ponies with magic, sure, but no impacts that would suggest she was bruising others or getting bruised.
It's funny how I recorded for this Rarity long after I recorded Rarity for most other projects I was cast in. And since Rarity in those other projects required her to behave in very different worlds and circumstances in comparison to Mane6, as a whole, you can imagine how tricky it was to get her back to the way she was initially, as opposed to leaning on the flexibility I gave her to work in the more deviated projects.
tl;dr, It was a very interesting and rewarding voice matching experience, and who knows, I expand upon my process in another video, since I've done quite a bit of voice matching for a good while, and maybe my insights could help someone.