Originally posted on: June 11, 2019, 2:44 PM UTC
Glamourverse — Traditional Shopping
Rarity and Pinkie Pie haven't been friends for long when they choose to go out on a shopping trip for a cultural festival being held in Mahiusa City. They stop to pick out outfits that fit their home's traditional style and it turns out to be a wonderful bonding experience and the perfect segue to breaking down their previously held beliefs and begin to embark on a true friendship.
Rarity's outfit was easy to settle on because coats, bells, bands, and fur are commonly associated with Reindeer, Pinkie's I had to put a bit of thought into but I settled on a gypsy, belly dancer kinda vibe because in this verse the Changeling Kingdom it situated very close to the "Saddle Arabian Desert" so their home is more of a dry, arid habitat (also based off bugs liking warm climates) and because changelings are masters of disguise and can be quite mysterious I thought that would be a good style for their traditional clothing. It's pretty, light and adds an air of mystery.
Background: fav.me/d48ef1v
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