So if you've been following this page for awhile now, you'll know that I've stated time and time again that I do not ship Fluttercord. I don't have any outright hatred for the ship. In fact, I've seen some beautiful fanworks of the two, from art, to episodic audio dramas. It's just that it's not my cup of tea, and ultimately I prefer Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps for various reasons that I've given already. That being said though, I still wanted to acknowledge and even honor Fluttershy and Discord's relationship. And I did this by officially making Discord the adopted uncle of Fluttershy and Bulk's two children: Nimbus Bellows and Lofty Leap. The two naturally love their uncle, viewing him as a fun caregiver whenever their parents aren't around. Discord often gets to babysit them, and while they can be a bit of a handful (Especially Lofty Leap), he always enjoys spending time with them.
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