After arriving at the Crystal Empire, Twilight and Celestia quickly entered the Crystal Castle, where Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor were awaiting them in the throne room.
“Thank Faust you two got here in one piece! I received the message Celestia sent me. Is it true that monster’s heading straight for the Crystal Empire?” Cadence asked.
“It’s true, all of it.” Celestia replied. Twilight immediately began trotting towards Shining Armor, nearly jumping on him as she gave her big brother a warm hug.
“Twily! It’s been a while since you visited.” Shining said with a smile.
“My schedule’s not exactly free, y’know.” Twilight replied with a laugh. “You guys need to start evacuating everyone before Ghidorah arrives.”
Shining looked out the window, noticing that multiple huge dark clouds were suddenly forming in the sky, followed by violent streaks of golden lightning dancing around the clouds. All the civilians down in the streets stopped what they were doing and looked up at the darkened sky with trepidation.
“He’s already here…” Celestia stated with worry. The Crystal Empire’s civilians began running and screaming in terror as Ghidorah landed in town square, crushing the crystalline statue of Spike underfoot. The golden Titan’s heads swerved about in different directions as they scanned their new surroundings. Ghidorah’s center head took notice of the Crystal Castle and snarled, barking at the peripheral heads and getting their attention. Ghidorah made his way towards the castle, stomping on fruit vendors and some of the smaller houses. Twilight, Celestia, and the royal couple ran outside to one of the castle’s many balconies to get a better look at the Titan approaching the castle. Ghidorah snarled as his heads quizzically inspected the castle before resting their gazes on the Crystal Heart.
“HEY! GET AWAY FROM THE CRYSTAL HEART!” Cadence yelled, getting the attention of the triple-headed Titan. Ghidorah snarled as he gazed upon the four ponies standing on the balcony.
“Um, honey, was that really the smartest thing to do…?” Shining asked with worry on his face.
“Probably not…” Cadence replied with fear in her own tone. Ghidorah snarled as he stood up on his legs, his throats glowing with golden light as he prepared to send them into oblivion.