~Name is Roulette Rush! He's a part of the apple family, though his direct line lives northbound of Ponyville in the Frozen North area. His old name before earning his mark was "Apple Pepper".
~He's a certified and authentic Big Boi! His family are big Mountaineer horses, and from his genetics and good eatin and exercise, Rush is a healthy 6'11 (from his front hooves to the top of his head)!
~He is a big time gambler, and unlike winning with pure luck ("the fool's way to play" is how he puts it), he plays with skill. He's done his homework on how the games run, what the best strategies are, and how to win big bits from both watching his fellow gamblers and from his own experiences. He isn't like most other gamblers though, in the sense that most are crummy individuals that play because of greed. He plays to tear down these said individuals- whether they be business people or just straight up criminals. He takes most of his earnings to charities, and that's what he loves doing. Feels good to tear down these bastards.
~He is tied to Soul's story, therefore he's placed in Las Pegasus and will someday see the young country boy in Gladmane's resort. He'll soon help Soul out with Gladmane's behavior towards him, and it won't be good for the haughty business stallion.