
Base: ElementBases
Midnight Glory, Night Watch and Blood Blossom: Teal-Quil

Midnight Glory: Living in the Hollow Shades she grew up being told her wings were unnatural, it was rare for a bat pony to have light coloured wings and she was picked on at school for it. She got her cutie mark while arranging some flowers for her mother. As an adult she becomes a florist and stays in the Hallow Shades until the return of Princess Luna, when the bat ponies were assured they were allowed into Equestria she moved Canterlot having a pen pal from her fillyhood who also ran a flower shop. Her friend Lemonhearts ran a small flower business and invited her old pen pal to work with her, she had always been fond of bat ponies they couldn't be as evil as legend said right?

Anypony who came into the shop seemed to prefer to speak to Lemonhearts, that was fine, Midnight Glory's passion had always been flower arranging anyway. It was as she was arranging her flowers one day that she met Night Watch, he was in the uniform of the Luna Guard and he introduced himself as the Captain. Midnight nodded her head "And how may I help you Captain Night Watch." he smiled softly "Well, the Grand Galloping Gala is being arranged for the end of the month and Princesses Luna and Celestia wanted to use flowers from a local store, do you own this shop?" Midnight Glory shook her head no "I just work here with my friend, she's inside you can speak with her."

Lemonhearts was ecstatic to be helping with the Grand Galloping Gala, Midnight was just happy to see her friend so happy. However when Princess Luna herself approached the bat pony and asked her to attend the event Midnight Glory was floored, she was a simple bat pony nothing special, she held a stable job in a fairly successful flower shop. Luna smiled "We've invited a lot of bat ponies this year to prove to the ponies of Equestria that your kind are not to be feared, that you deserve a place in the lands as much as any other Equine." Midnight Glory accepted so long as Lemonhearts could attend with her.

At the Gala she met up with Night Watch again who was on duty that night. He asked if they could meet for coffee the following morning and she accepted.

The following morning she and Night Watch met at a local coffee shop and got talking having a lot in common, the ponies of Canterlot viewed them as monsters even if they had done nothing to earn that title. Night Watch smiled "I've never saw a bat pony with wings like yours they're" "Ugly?" Midnight Glory interrupted, Night Watch frowned "Not at all, I was going to say, they're beautiful."

Night Watch and Midnight Glory kept meeting up, and soon a romance blossomed. They were wed and of course, Lemon Hearts insisted on being the mare of honor.

Not too long after their wedding Midnight fell pregnant and gave birth to a filly whom the pair called Blood Blossom because of her red eyes.

Night Watch: Born in the Hollow Shades he was homeschooled, his parents being obsessed with the legend of Nightmare Moon and knowing her 1000 years was almost up, they needed to be prepared to help the true princess when she returned. It was drilled into Night Watch from a young age that Celestia was the enemy and Nightmare Moon had to win, she had to reign to free the bat ponies from their 'exile'. Night Watch had never fully believed that Celestia was evil but after vocalising his thoughts and being beaten for it he choose not to mention it again and pretended to blindly follow his parents.

Night Watch and his family were there when Nightmare Moon returned and his parents immediately devoted themselves to her cause. Fearing what would happen if he turned against an creature as dangerous as Nightmare Moon he agreed to whatever she needed. The bat ponies that pledged themselves to Nightmare Moon were given armour with helmets the concealed their identities. Whilst in ponyville patroling the town he noticed a group of fillies talking about trying to overthrow Nightmare Moon, adults sure… They could try he may even help them but fillies? Night Watch gently told the fillies that it wasn't worth the risk, someone would stop Nightmare Moon. Maybe that purple unicorn from the town meeting. The mother of one of the fillies saw the armoured bat pony talking to her daughter. The mare ran over to the bat pony head first knocking him back. Night Watch was winded but recovered quickly, he took his helmet off and told the mare he wanted no part of Nightmare Moon's plan, he only went along because he was scared of what would happen should he refuse. The mare seemed to believe the stallion and calmed down. Night Watch saw the purple Unicorn heading towards the everfree, they would need the element of harmony!

Night Watch arrived shortly before Nightmare Moon, after locating the fabled elements of harmony he was cornener by the alicorn, his ears pinned back "Princess I
" he fell short of anything to say. The black alicorn looked down at the pale bat pony "I need you to do something for me…" her tone was low. Night Watch summoned his courage "I won't follow you the way my parents have… Y-You're wrong! The night CAN'T last forever, it will kill the land!" The alicorn used her magic to pick the bat pony up, he struggled in her hold but it wasn't going too do him much good. Nightmare Moon lead him to a bedroom, he noticed a tiny filly laid on the bed wrapped in sheets "My daughter needs protecting from those six ponies. I saw what you did in Ponyville… Your task is to protect my daughter Nebula from harm, she's innocent." Night Watch agreed as he was set down.

When Luna returned as Luna she thanked the bat pony for careing for her daughter. She asked why he stood up to her when his family had been so willing to do whatever she asked. Night Watch admitted that he didn't see Celestia as an enemy he was trying to look out for Equestria, she'd just failed to see how downtoden Luna felt because everyone slept during her night and overlooked her while they appeared to adore the princess of the sun. Because he was able to be honest with her Luna made him Captain of the Luna Guard and he took residency in the canterlot castle.

From the moment he saw Midnight Glory he fell head over heels so seeing her at the Gala and her agreeing to meet! It was more than he could have hoped for. Their relationship made him feel less alone, the castle staff still seeing the bat ponies and servants of Nightmare Moon.


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