You…You look like me!
*Wing (left) ResourcesWing (right)
Background: PerplexedPegasus and :* EStories *
*Vector — Mirror: Kishmond
Base: :ShiiBases: and Diamond-Bases
Wing (left) Сharacters depicted on art:Wing (right)
Twilight Sparkle twilight sparkle (smile) plz
Magic-Star Shine (My OC)
Lost-Dark Sparkle (My OC)
Wing (left) My AUWing (right)
*Bullet Pink little pony: friendship is magic belongs to: HasbroHasbro (2009) Icon Pink
warm pink star warm pink star warm pink star
When Twilight went to the library, she wasn't ready to see it…she was standing next to a magic mirror that lit up the room and another version of the Princess-obviously, she had appeared in the room recently, perhaps just before the arrival of the Princess of Friendship, because the double with surprise, but at the same time with warmth in her eyes scanned the space, but as soon as the doors opened, all attention was focused on the pony.
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— W-what? — Both looked at each other with undisguised surprise. — You look like me!
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— And you, too… — Of course, the interlocutor will look like her. Tall alicorn remembered exactly how she had looked a few years ago.
* *Mirror.Twilight said in one breath, her gaze fixed on the still-glowing portal. — The mirror still continues to be a guide to other worlds! — The tall Doppelganger nodded.
* *
— I didn't think it could travel the past. This has never happened before.
— I didn't think I'd ever run into me…literally! Wait, did you say "the past"?
— Twilight, I'm you from the future. Wait, are we even allowed to talk? We won't destroy our future and the world in General, right? Although I know perfectly well that if something changes in the past, it will affect the future, but…
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— You look like Princess Celestia. I don't think it's right to call you me. Even though we are similar, we are different.
— Light? — The unicorn looked warily at the half-open door to the library, where a bright light was coming from.
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— looks like it. — The sisters froze in the middle of the corridor as soon as they heard voices from the room.
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*Bullet Pink be continued**Bullet Pink