
Originally posted on: March 3, 2013, 10:36 PM UTC
Vinyl's wubology degree
octaviaplz saysplz !?!?

patrickplz saysplz wumbology, its the study of wumbo

MlpVinylScratchplz saysplz Actually thats a common misconception. It is pronounced "wumbology", but written "wubology" and its the study of wubs not wumbo.

Octaviaclapplz saysplz Bravo "Dr." Scratch

Finally after a seemingly endless period of university applications, I can make some time for some hobbies.


Many thanks to mewtwo-EX and Hourglasspony for lending a generous hand in teaching me the ropes of vectoring. Thx to them I did this piece much faster than my other ones despite the fact that this one has more elements in it.

I own nothing, Lauren Faust is awesome, so is Luna blablabla…

The university of Canterlot seal is from [link] I like consistent in my canons, so that at least there are some recurring elements in the fandom 🙂

[EDIT] .SVG file here [link]


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