Doodle dump 1. Sketch of Eclipse as a smol babyyyy. Puberty hits like a truck 2. Indigo's cutie mark. 3. Starlight and Sunburst bab. He is a baby faced grump. I will do more on him later 4. Pinkie and cheese kids. They have so manyyyy. Hey, more party guests, right? First one is Marzipan, she already has a personality. Second one, Cherry Ripe. Insane. Imagine her parents times 10000000000. Next one, Macaroni Noodle. Super quiet and shy, unless there are noodles nearby. Nopony knows why. Next one is Chocolate Fondue. She is a spy and actress, apprentice of Pony Joe, who is also a spy. Fondue also works as a model for Rarity in her spare time. Sherbert. He goes to cold places like Yakyakastan to deliver party supplies. Has a narwhal friend. Nacho Cheese Dip. Is great with kids, but nothing else. Sets things on fire baking, knocks things over all the time, etc. clumsy and silly and Miss Cheerilee's helper. 5. Some gem eyes