
Originally posted on: June 27, 2014, 4:51 PM UTC
MLP: But do Not forget we cannot forgive!

Evil as plain as the scar on his face
Deception (an outrage)
Disgrace (for shame!)
he asked for trouble the moment he came_

Wow I think I made look like a T-shirt :giggle: Tribute of Discord from the "Not one us" from Disney The Lion King 2. I'm surprise they didn't do a Discord yet. They only did Princess Luna and Twilight of this. But if you think about it this song would fit more for Discord especially if you guys saw "Twilight's Kingdom". Though I've been having this idea before the season finale. BTW you should check the Japanese version… this one makes more sense. 😉 Not to be demanding I would like to see a video of Discord with this song No mean comments always plz thank you

Discord © Hasbro/HUB
Song © Disney
BG © Hawk9mm
Style © me

May do a Scorpan version of this song

Edit: See the Image version…


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