
YAaaayy, I finally got to something more personal done. ;<;;;
It's Sugar the Crystal Starback getting a new reference sheet since I thought her old design looked too complex and honestly not very enjoyable to look at with the too many colours and bad line-art. ;;
I've updated the past version of herself when she was a forced gem miner; with her reference sheet, I'll add her backstory which will explain in much more detail of why she looks, what she want through and how her live was. <333
I'm thinking as well of making Crystal Starbacks a distant species of Crystal ponies, since it makes a little more sense then them just being a random new species. <33
Name-Immacul 'Sugar' Pura [Immacual from Immaculate, meaning Perfectly Clean and Pura means 'Pure' in Latin]
Nicknames- Sugar, Bunny, Dia [Diamond], Dear, CS11-D [Gem Slave Number]
Species-Common [Diamond] Crystal Starback
Personality-Shy/Distant, Fidgety, Self-conscious, Day-dreamer, Innocent, Grateful, Intrepid, Sneaky
Sexuality-Demipansexual Demipansexual Flag by furikoo
Relationship Status-Single
Likes-Clouds, Boiled Sweets, Bunnies, Fruit Bats and Moles, Short Hair, Puzzles, Classical Music, Berries [Strawberries and Blueberries], Stars and Sparkly Objects, Sakura Trees
Dislikes-Pitch Black Darkness, Blood, Snakes and Bears, Vegetables, Paper and Labels, Low noises
Things needed to know
-Sugar has Dysthymia and Hypomania, Used to have Drapetomania
-Her tongue, muscles and blood are the same shades of colours as her eyes.
-Always keeps her tail and loose hair in a curled bun
-Deep coloured blue above her eyes and muzzle is make-up.
-She's as intelligent as a nine year old and knows only levitation.
-Chunky and Short. <333

Sugar was born and raised long before Equestia modern times. Times were the magic of friendship and harmony was slowly beginning to spread over the land by the teachings of young Alicorn Goddesses; Princess Celestia and Luna.
She was born and raised with a giant valley her own kind called 'Crystal Starbacks' by outsiders, living in the far undiscovered west of Equestia behind thee smoky mountains, life was simple with her species living in decorated caves and hollowed out tree roots as homely shelter and having the wildness be respected and part of their everyday life as a sacred culture.
Sugar lived with her biologic Mother, Father and brotherly foul; her Mother and Father were both a common Crystal Starback, her Father having the Diamond gene in his blood, her Mother being a rosy Onyx and her brother being an uncommon Earth Starback who haven't grown out his crystals out yet.
How her daily, day to day life came to a halt was when she reacted and turned 17; in the day before modern acceptation of other creations being treated the same as ponies, didn't exist for them as Crystal Starbacks were seen as more 'profit' and like a 'luxury' item from them being able to grow rare to common gems and rocks to take, sell and collect. Crystal Starbacks were tracked down, captured and used for normal ponies desires and wanted needs.
Sugar's home valley was more founded apon by a group of travelers; Sugar's relatives and other Crystal Starbacks knew very little about the far, far outside world and other species of intelligent life , only having wise tails and knowledge from their elders. Some saw the Crystal Starbacks were fascinating and biologic creatures worth exceeding communication, most saw them as outstandingly rare collective items for the higher kind at great, great profit…

I'll add even more later. >>
Sugar the Crystal Starback was created and owned by :iconinspiredpixels:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
2478x1666px 1000.52 KB
Published: Sep 28, 2018


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