He could very clearly see the remains of the T.I.T.A.N. vessels sinking into the depths of the eastern ocean. Star Swirl knew of sacrifice, just as well as Mage Meadowbrook. They had given their lives to trap their own friend in Limbo, and that friend now stood with them in what could very well have been their darkest hour. The night they faced seemed to be a fitting welcome to the end of the world, but Star Swirl knew better.
Even as the Titan shrieked overhead, entered into Horseshoe Bay where a fleet of T.I.T.A.N. aircraft awaited it, Star Swirl the Bearded knew better than to accept defeat so easily. He wouldn’t accept defeat either way.
Baltimare and every life within the city wouldn’t accept it.
“Hold fast, my friends…” Star Swirl gently uttered, his gaze narrowing. “We are not done yet.”
The Titan landed upon the largest merchant vessel in the bay, the only ship that could ever hope to sustain the creature’s immense size and weight. Even momentarily, the vessel already began to tremble and sink, but the Titan did not rest long. It lifted its towering neck and shook its multicolored and green feathers, opening its beak to exhale a quiet hiss.
Then, the Titan saw them.
The Pillars saw it.
Quetzalcoatl glared down the three Pillars with his fiendish, yellow eyes. Moments before shrieking and kicking off the ship, destroying it with a simple gust of his wings. All four wings extended, the Titan breaking off across the bay to meet the last foes that stood in his path.