It took Pinkie weeks to convince Donut Joe to go to lunch at the Tasty Treat again, where he once again became a hot mess. Knowing any friend of Pinkie was bound to be a quality character, Saffron decided that she was interested in seeing if she and Joe could hit it off. At the end of their meal, Saffron Masala asked if they wanted anything else. Donut Joe had no idea what she was talking about, until Saffron added "a date tomorrow night, perhaps?", which left the stallion blushing furiously while nodding and Pinkie Pie shrieking happily.
The two went on multiple dates over a couple of weeks, with Joe finally figuring out how to fully form a sentence around Saffron. He adored her attitude and straight-forward nature, and she couldn't help but find his quiet but sweet demeanor charming. Even on days where dates weren't planned, he would bring her flowers before she opened the restaurant and she would leave him little notes in his bakery's mailbox. Donut Joe, only knowing Saffron's father from the Tasty Treat, was worried that Coriander Cumin wouldn't like him, but Saffron couldn't help but laugh as she told him that her father's approval wasn't everything to her. And even if it was, she was sure Coriander would see what a great stallion Joe was. Fortunately, he did welcome Donut Joe into the family, even if he was bitter that his daughter was growing too fast for his liking.
After a few years of dating and Saffron moving in with Donut Joe (to her father's hesitation), the two decided it was time to get married. And with Pinkie (along with party-planning colleague Cheese Sandwich) as their wedding planner, they barely had to think of anything before their special day. Rarity was more than happy to make Saffron a custom dress and tailor a proper suit for Joe, wanting them to look absolutely perfect for their wedding. The celebration went on for days and by the time it ended, the couple were completely exhausted. They both took off time from their businesses to have a short honeymoon together to visit Neighagra Falls and returned after a week to get back to work at their respective restaurants. After about a year of living the married life, Saffron Masala announced to Donut Joe, Coriander, and Pinkie that she was expecting, and Pinkie immediately hopped on the baby shower bandwagon (especially since Skystar was also already pregnant with Zapple Pie). As soon as she was allowed to, Pinkie Pie brought her baby to meet Saffron's newborn filly, saying that Zapple and Pedha would grow up to be great friends, just like them!