17th Aug 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery Cure
In retrospect, it's not very often that I go for a punchline with a visual element, but sometimes a screencap provides an opportunity that I can't pass up.
Rainbow Dash: Now I'm sure that making dresses is just like riding a bike.
Rarity: It absolutely is not.
Rainbow Dash: But just give it a shot, and you'll be back in action in no time!
Fluttershy: Ponies don't ride bicycles, do they…?
Twilight Sparkle: Maybe it'd be more of a scooter-type device?
Rainbow Dash: Hey, I'm trying to do a lesson-thingy here! My point is… Applejack's a hard worker, but you can't farm fabric to get dresses.
Applejack: …Well, she's got me there.
Rainbow Dash: You're creative, you're totally suited to this! Heh, "suited." So just go for it!
Rarity: Your simplistic confidence in me is… bizarrely encouraging, Rainbow. Thank you. Hey there, Applejack.
Applejack: Oh. Hey there, Rarity. Sorry about the fashion disasters.
Rarity: It's… nothing, really. Mind if I take over for a bit?
Applejack: Sure, Ah'll get outta yer way. Thanks fer not stabbin' me with scissors or somethin'.
Rarity: …Now why would you ever suspect such a thing?