08.11.20… from the Accession of the Sisters Equestria Fallen Time 09: 11 Crystal Vision felt like she was burning alive. But this is only the beginning of the attack, and it will only get worse. Equa struggled in the chains, tearing her arms and neck into blood once again, unable to control the convulsions. She could not direct the flow of spiritual energy, could not form and pass through a prophecy, when in place of her thin, elegant horn there was a short stump full of pulling, burning pain.
Like raindrops, clumps of memory about the future appeared one after another and merged together, unfolding events in front of Crystal.
Equa was tossing and turning on her pallet, screaming from the terrible pictures and the pain lashing her nerves.
Sharp eyes from a height, riveted to the ground. White streaks in the sky, like a bouquet thrown on a grave. The last seconds of silence of the old world.
Blue wings spread out to the whole sky, a glint of moonlight silver.
Blinding flashes that erase any protection, blowing away the shields of cities like a hurricane blows away a house of cards.
Steel dragonboats that float across the sky and send out invisible sizzling rays and fiery arrows that themselves find a victim.
Mechanical warriors falling from the sky-high heights. Bipeds, like equines, and quadrupeds are intelligent — they go without stopping and without knowing pity.
Under the steel tread, the royal standard trembles and falls into gray ashes. The battle formations of the mighty caribou mow down like grass.
The smell of thunderstorms and burnt flesh hangs in the air like a thick, clogging veil.
The crown of the caribou is cut like butter by a dark gray blade.
A massive figure in armor not from this world, with a blind, eyeless visor, takes a step around the corner of the house. The beam rifle descends, and the armored hand reaches out to the seer…
Her master's voice came as if through a thick layer of water, Crystal heard, but did not understand what Equin was saying.
"I've already told you to shut up once, bitch! Blame yourself!"
The visionary's muzzle was wrapped in straps, her mouth was filled with cold, disgusting-tasting rubber, which Vision hated with all her heart. How can the words of the prophecy be so silenced? How can someone so cruelly plug her soul with a cork? Hands that had once been family for a long time, roughly put Crystal in the knee-elbow position. The seer gave a muffled cry of sharp pain, trying to hold the fragments of the elusive and broken vision. To get a little detached from what the one she once loved was doing to her.
When equin finished and pushed Vision onto her pallet, Equa could not hold the remnants of the trance and somehow heard the last words.
"You will open your mouth when you think about your behavior, whorse."
Left alone, the seer huddled into a ball, sobbing not so much from the pain below, but from the bitterness and heaviness of the vision. Until the execution of which there were a day left, hardly more. Krystal had a similar experience before the Fall, which she met lying in bed, absolutely crushed by the knowledge of what was coming, just like now.
Maybe the approaching apocalypse is fully deserved? Maybe the invasion will serve only for good and something new will grow on the ashes of the old world, maybe kindness, love and harmony will be reborn in the cleansing fire?
But is it possible to create it on the blood, even the blood of enslavers? Can the brilliance of shots become a spark of hope?
Crystal, completely exhausted by the prophetic attack, once again humiliated by someone she once loved, purely and selflessly, by whom she was betrayed and tortured, lay and quietly sobbed from the acrid bitterness and despair that twisted her soul.
And, along with the tears running down her muzzle, came a soft, now affectionate echo of a visionary attack. It was as if a large and warm white wing wrapped around Crystal.
A new dawn.
Broken chains.
The elegant palm of the royal equa, shaking the massive hand, covered with unprecedented armor.
A new friendship.
Exhausted, Krystal fell into a dreamless sleep. And there was a shadow of a smile on her lips.
This is fragment of my rehabilitation story to Fall of Equestria You can read it by the links