《#小馬寶莉:新世代》My Little Pony: A New Generation
9月22日 「變」返好朋友
★粵語‧英語版 同步上映
【小馬寶莉全新風格 新角色!新冒險!】
小馬寶莉(My Little Pony)是孩之寶(Hasbro)暢銷全球的玩具系列之一,1983年首次推出即大受歡迎。由1986年開始,小馬寶莉動畫系列成為電視人氣節目,亦經常推出大電影,一直為世界各地的觀眾帶來無數充滿歡笑及溫馨勵志的作品。2017年《小馬寶莉大電影》(My Little Pony: The Movie)全球公映,勁收超逾六千萬美元票房,為系列創下閃亮成績。2021年,系列將首度以3DCG製作大電影《小馬寶莉:新世代》(My Little Pony: A New Generation)並由全新角色:晴晴星探(Sunny Starscout)、幻斯月弓(Izzy Moonbow)、比比公主(Princess Pipp Petals)、閃閃風暴(Zipp Storm)及克勤先鋒(Hitch Trailblazer)登場,為「小馬迷」在奇幻繽紛的場景下,呈現另一個關於友誼、勇氣與冒險的動人故事。《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)系列女星雲妮夏婕絲(Vanessa Hudgens)、《蜘蛛俠:跳入蜘蛛宇宙》(Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)貴美子格蓮(Kimiko Glenn)及《變種特攻》(X-Men)系列「鐳射眼」占士馬史頓(James Marsden)等群星落力聲演。粵語、英語版同步上映,各位香港「小馬迷」萬勿錯過!
★勇敢飛越阻隔 畫出友誼彩虹
「小馬利亞王國」失去了魔法,陸馬(Earth Ponies)、獨角獸(Unicorns)、飛馬(Pegasi)之間的友誼與和諧逐漸消失,他們不能再和平共處,唯有充滿活力和滿懷理想的年輕陸馬晴晴(Sunny)仍然相信這個充斥著懷疑與猜忌的世界還有希望。她與迷路闖入陸馬小鎮的熱心獨角獸幻斯(Izzy)結伴為友,並遇上勇敢的飛馬比比公主(Pipp)、閃閃(Zipp)及可靠的陸馬克勤(Hitch)。為了使「小馬利亞王國」回復原狀,五位好朋友一同展開連場翻天覆地的大冒險,為實現夢想已久的世界而努力。
導演:Robert Cullen、José L. Ucha,聯合導演 Mark Fattibene
My Little Pony: A New Generation
September 22 – "Change" back to good friends
★ Cantonese and English versions – simultaneous release
[My Little Pony's new style and new role! New adventure!]
★ The first computer special effects production in the worldwide-popular animation series
My Little Pony is one of Hasbro's best-selling toy series around the world. It was first launched in 1983 and has been very popular since. Beginning in 1986, the My Little Pony animation series has become a popular TV show, and big movies are often released. It has always brought countless laughter and warm and inspirational works to audiences all over the world. In 2017, My Little Pony: The Movie was screened globally, with a box office of more than 60 million U.S. dollars, setting a shining result for the series. In 2021, in the feature film My Little Pony: A New Generation, the series will be in 3D CG for the first time and will feature new characters: Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Princess Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm and Hitch Trailblazer debut, presenting another touching story about friendship, courage and adventure for the "pony fans" in a fantasy and colorful setting. High School Musical series actress Vanessa Hudgens, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse's Kimiko Glenn, the X-Men series' "Cyclops" James Marsden and other stars are performing. The Cantonese and English versions will be released simultaneously. Don't miss it, Hong Kong "Pony fans"!
Those who purchase two tickets at the theater box office will also receive a "Cinema Limited Cutie Tattoo Sticker". The quantity is limited and while stocks last. For details, please check with the theater.
★ Fly over the barriers bravely – draw a rainbow of friendship
The kingdom of Equestria has lost its magic, and the friendship and harmony between earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi has gradually disappeared. They can no longer coexist peacefully; only the energetic and idealistic young earth pony Sunny still believes that there is hope in this world full of suspicion and doubt. She makes friends with the enthusiastic unicorn Izzy who has lost her way into the earth pony town, and meets the brave princess Pipp, Zipp and the reliable Hitch. In order to restore the kingdom of Equestria to its original state, the five good friends embark on a series of earth-shaking adventures and work hard to realize the long-dreamed world.
Release date: September 22
Director: Robert Cullen, José L. Ucha; co-director Mark Fattibene
Starring (English version): Vanessa Hudgens, Kimiko Glenn, James Marsden, Sofia Carson, Liza Koshy
Level: To be determined
Duration: To be determined
Language: English version (Chinese subtitles) / Cantonese dubbing
Genre: Animation