[Such, such a lovely and patient person, omgosh; plus the fact they keep supporting my work so many times already that I'll never forget it. ;v; Please go check them out if you haven't already, pleaseee]
My goodness, I finally finished this! And I finally finished something and uploading for once, it's been so long but after using the free time I managed to get this piece completed quite nicely. ;v;;
I'm so, so sorry for taking such a long time on this piece. It took much longer then I wanted to sketch, line-art and shade to the point of my liking; you've been so patient with me and I want to thank you so, so much for it. Compared to the normal backgrounds and drawings I've done so far, my shading technique changed a little with a smoother appeal on the body and hair. ;;;
If there's anything wrong, please let me know and I'll try my best to change it. <33
Thank you so much for purposing one of my commissions and all your patience, I really hope you enjoy how they came out, sweetie. <333
My Little Pony [MLP], Animal, Furry, Dragon and Anthropology Characters are AcceptableRequesting a commission NEEDS a clear reference sheet of character; No description based characters allowedCommission/s can take up to a Week to 3 Months to finish, depending on complexity and how busy I'm. [If wishing for a W.I.P or update on your commission, just sent me a private note and we'll agree on some conditions]Only Accept Frontwards Pay BEFORE starting the commission
Points -I Accepting Both Points and Paypal I- PayPal (2007-2014) Icon mid
Flower-Quil, Sacred-Zer0, SummersStarsEpos643, D-Dest, Bubble-Trouble-OwO, BrownieSugar0
Youtube Channel- www.youtube.com/channel/UCa6b5…
Character/s belongs to their rightful owner/s
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
5900x4251px 6.14 MB
Published: Feb 21, 2020
© 2020 — 2021 InspiredPixels