
The Mortal Paper Fist said;
That sounds like pretty strong magic. Accept her offer but also ask her from where she got them, so that we can buy some for ourself next time we go onto an epic adventure.

Oh and no face doodling while we’re knocked-out! Don’t even think about it!

Being yet far from home, you find wisdom in making your health a higher priority. After all, the life of an adventurer is ever full of surprises, and not always of the pleasant kind. Considering this, you decide to take Blossomforth up on her offer.

Blossomforth: "I hear you; better safe than sorry. Give me just a second, and I'll fetch you a piece."

The pegasus leaves the coach, and returns a moment later with a small bandage roll tucked under her wing. Curious, you ask if she knows where you can buy some for yourself.

Blossomforth: "I got mine from Ponyville General, but any town with a medicine shop and a local enchanter should have some. Need any help putting this on?"

You gratefully accept. Once the bandage is wrapped comfortably around your barrel, you begin to feel its magic channel through the dressing underneath, and into your anaesthetized injury.

You equip Magic Bandage.

You thank Blossomforth again, and ask how you can repay her.

Blossomforth: "Don't worry about it, these bandages are quite cheap. Now, you should hurry up to bed before the effect kicks in."

You nod, already starting to feel drowsy. After yawning behind a hoof, you suggest that your younger friends keep Blossomforth company, and playfully add not to play any tricks on you while you're out.

Moonflower: "Heehee! We got'cha!"

With that, you shuffle over to the wet car to get ready for bed, then drag yourself to your room.

After climbing into the untouched bed, you rest your head on the soft pillow, and close your heavy-lidded eyes. A warm, flowery breeze from the nearby open window gently brushes through your mane as you swiftly drift off to sleep…

You awaken from a dreamless slumber what feels like an instant later, feeling suddenly disoriented by the ambient darkness. Cracking an eye open to look at the time, you find that it is already past midnight.

Lowering your gaze, you notice both Moonflower and Apple Basket lying next to you, having since snuck into your bed. You smile at the welcome additions, and wrap a leg around the closer bat pony, before letting sleep reclaim you…

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