26th Aug 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery Cure
It sometimes strikes me how "normal" Applejack is among the Mane Six. An exceptional earth pony from a special blue-collar clan, sure, but that can seem pretty small compared to the magical prodigy, the record-setting athlete, the pillar of high society, the one-of-akind animal whisperer, and the physics and social-norms-defying party pony.
DM: You march through town and out to Sweet Apple Acres – triumphantly, I imagine. Three down, two to go.
Rarity: We help Applejack reclaim her talent, then we help Pinkie reclaim hers.
Applejack: Yeah, about that… How bad is it really once we get there?
DM: It's bad. Every tree is fruitless and leafless. Every crop is withered in the field. The barn itself is in complete disrepair.
Pinkie Pie: Dang busted water chute!
DM: …In the distance, you can hear Pinkie Pie doing her best.
Applejack: Look, y'all. Ah'm an apple farmer from a long line of apple farmers. Ah ain't a miracle worker.
Rarity: We can come back from this. If it can be ruined this fast, surely it can be repaired at phenomenal speeds too!
Applejack: Just gotta defy the chaos and believe, huh?
Pinkie Pie: Yeah, pick a fight with entropy!