Occupation: Student of Princess Twilight Sparkle/ Royal guard in training
Nickname: Flare(given to him not because of his name but by his mentor Flash Sentry, after he once late one day shortly after Tanzanite had started his training snuck up on him while he was reading a magic book. Tanzanite was so startled that he both used his dragon fire and a light spell at the same time both burning the book he was reading and blinding both Flash and three other nearby guards with the combined light.)
Personality: Tanzanite is a very serious person. He takes all his responsibilities as the personal student of princess Twilight and a royal guard in training very seriously. He’s very kind but also incredible stubborn. He usually has to be dragged out of the castle library by his friends when he gets stuck on a spell he can’t get right. He loves his mother and will manage her Ponyville store for her when she goes away on business trips or to check on her other boutique locations. He has a… strained relationship with his father.
He cares about him but they aren’t very close because Tanzanite still holds some resentment towards him for leaving his mother and him when he was a kid. He’d never say never say it out loud but he really cares for his younger half sister. He is extremely protective of her(when she’s not looking). If anyone tried messing with or hurt her they’d answer to him(school bullies learned this lesson quickly). but seeing as he is slightly bigger than Big Macintosh most colts with any”big ideas” keep their distance from Orchid.