The Light
**WARNING: LOOOOONG. If you read, you MUST read all the way through or you won't understand what's going on. Also, if you don't like violence (fighting, no blood or anything) don't read this 🙂**
Luna sighed in pleasure as she sank into the soft cushion. Sombra had dragged one of the Arabian couches over to where he chained her at night. No more cold floors. But for some reason, the princess couldn't fall asleep. Something kept her awake every time she started drifting away. Maybe I slept on the floor too long, she considered, shifting her position.
Just then, a breeze swept into the cave from the largest tunnel. Luna sat bolt upright. What was that? She had felt something touch her. "Sombra?" she called. Her voice didn't echo like it should in the cave. She blinked and squinted at the fire on the far side of the room. Something was moving around it…
She jolted back as she realized she was looking through something. A bubble of shadow was closing around her, absorbing light and sound. As it passed over the iron ring in the floor, it sliced through her chain like grass. _Only strong shadow magic could break those chains. _Sombra had enchanted them with his shadow magic, which was one of the strongest types of magic Luna knew about. The bubble closed around her like a web, smothering her mouth and forcing her eyes closed. She briefly felt herself being pulled off the couch before she dove into unconsciousness.
Wake up. Luna groaned. No, I don't want to. The voice rang through her head again. WAKE UP! "AH!" Luna's eyes flew open and she leaped to her feet.
"Well, you're finally awake." Luna blinked. I've heard that before.
"Sombra?" she called, squinting into the thick darkness surrounding her. She couldn't see anything.
"Oh, no. We are not Sssombra, the fool!" The last word was spat with so much venom that Luna winced. She turned in a circle, trying to find the voice's source.
"Why are you here?" she asked. She pricked her ears, listening for the answering voice.
"Why, because you're here," the voice hissed, off to her right. "Who knew the Princess of the Night would be in the Caverns of Time?"
"How did you know I was there?" she demanded, turning to the place she had heard the noise coming from.
"We've been listening to the cave creaturessss," a new voice purred. "We can hear better than you can."
"What cave creatures?" Luna pressed. How many are there?
"Your old friends the Deirths. Remember? The little beetle like things?" Luna couldn't resist shivering at the memory. She had fallen on the ground and the horrible monsters had swarmed all over her like ants, their stingers raised like scorpion tails.
"They wanted usss to know where you were," a new, more feminine voiced growled. "We night creatures all want a little bit of revenge on you."
"A lot of revenge," another voice muttered.
"Revenge for what?" Luna asked, stalling. She already knew the answer.
"For keeping us from our rightful prey!" the first voice roared.
"You mean the innocent ponies of Equestria?" Luna continued. "They don't belong to you and never will!"
"After we kill you they will." Luna took a step back, the voice nearly right in front of her. "Your sister has no idea how to fight the creatures of the night, and neither do those crystal fools."
"And how do you plan on killing me?" Luna taunted. "From what I understand, I've beaten you a few times before."
"Oh, you have," another voice rumbled. "But you seem to have forgotten that cap on your horn." Oh, right. Luna glanced up at her horn, remembering the horn guard. "And your wings are chained, so you can't fly away." Luna snorted, tossing her head.
"Your point?" she asked. How long can I keep them busy?
"My point isss…" The darkness began to pull together in a form in front of her. "…that we can kill you without you being able to fight back." The darkness stepped forward, materializing into a grey pony the size of Sombra,hooves glowing red.
"Umbra ponies!" Luna whispered. Fear drove through her like an arrow.
"So you do remember usss," the stallion hissed. Luna whirled around, about to run, but suddenly they were everywhere, forming from the shadows and packing into a ring around her, green and red patterns glowing on their hooves.
"Grgh liogha iashar (Bring her down)," a mare hissed. Tendrils of darkness whipped around Luna's neck, holding her still. The stallion, obviously the ringleader, stepped closer.
"No where to run, little princess," he growled, baring his teeth. At least seven umbra ponies converged on her at the same time, biting, kicking, and punching like crazy. She managed to land a few hits, but the shadow ropes around her neck restricted her movements. Her attackers swirled around her in a dark cloud, eyes flashing in random places. They materialized where she least expected, striking hard and fast before she could retaliate.
The watching ponies began cheering on the attackers, goading them into even more elaborate attacks. One sank his fangs into her wings, then darted away. As she dove after him, another kicked her behind her knees, sending her crashing to he floor. The ponies holding the ropes pulled tighter, forcing her down farther and cutting off her air.
"Agh." She stretched her neck forward, trying to breathe.
"Comfortable?" the ringleader smirked. "I just want you to know that it was by the hooves of Rguluo that you died!" As he lunged forward, teeth bared, a beam of light came out of nowhere and smashed into Rguluo's chest, sending him reeling backwards. He screamed as the light burned through his shadow.
"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Sombra roared, landing in front of Luna. Rguluo staggered upright.
"Weakling!" he hissed. "I always knew you would fail us." Sombra blinked. "Right, I forgot that you don't remember. We were the force inside you when you took over the Empire. Me, Ahrakna, and Diadae. They convinced the Umbrum that we could use you to take back Equestria. They transformed you into one of us. I told them you were too weak." He bared his teeth. "I was right."
"Stay back and no more harm will come to you," Sombra spoke calmly, his voice as hard as steel.
"Don't you mean her?" Rguluo asked, eyes flicking down to Luna. The ropes were still on her neck, keeping her from breathing.
"Luna!" Sombra whirled to help her, but more umbra ponies rushed forward and held him back with ropes. Rguluo gave a nasty, hateful laugh.
"Wow. A double revenge. I feel better already." He looked back and forth between his two captives. "Which one should I kill first." They both glared up at him defiantly. "Luna wouldn't like to Sombra dead, but I think it would hurt him more to see his only friend in the world…" he leaned in to Sombra's face and snarled, "…DIE!" Some of the umbra ponies whooped, encouraging their leader.
Luna was gasping for air already, but Rguluo stepped onto one of the ropes, pulling it tighter across her neck. She tried to jerk back, but the other opes held her forward. "Feel that?" he growled, pulling the rope tighter. "That's not even half the hatred I have for you!" The patterns on his body began to glow (umbra pony patterns glows when they're using magic) and reached out a glowing tendril at her.
"rrrRRAGH!" Sombra leaped up, snapping two of his shadow ropes and pulling the others away from their holders. He slammed into Rguluo and blasted a bolt of light into his face. Rguluo shouted and returned the act by shooting bright purple magic roaring towards him. Sombra deflected it with an energy shield and leaped forward. He snarled as he leapt, shooting a blast of bright energy from his horn into the surrounding darkness. Several umbra ponies shrieked and zipped away into the darkness.
"Playing good boy now, Sombra?" Rguluo shouted. "Let's go the old fashioned way." He melted into a storm of shadow, his eyes gleaming as he streaked upward. Sombra followed suit, and the two collided in the air, smashing into each other and sending purple and green sparks in all directions. They dove and swooped at each other, slashing with blades made of shadow and snapping with their fangs.
"Rguluo! Rguluo! Rguluo!" the ponies on the ground chanted, watching the scene. Sombra roared and dove at his opponent. At the last moment he pulled to the side and grabbed Rguluo's mane with shadow. He swung him in a circle, and, using the momentum, threw him full force into the ground. Rguluo groaned and staggered to his hooves.
"Still a weakling?" Sombra panted, landing on the stone. The umbra ponies shrank back, uncertain if they should attack or retreat.
"I'll find you again," Rguluo growled. "I'll find you both." And with that, he transformed into shadow and streaked away, the rest of the umbra ponies following. Sombra ran to where Luna was laying on the ground.
"Luna!" he said desperately. He tore the shadow ropes around her neck off and propped her up. "Luna!" She blinked groggily.
"I'm…" She tried again. "I'm fine," she managed to whisper. Sombra sighed in relief, then saw the rest of her.
"What did they do to you?!" he demanded, leaping up. "I have to get you back to the cave." He pulled her up and began carrying her back.
Okay, so I tried doing some thinner lines this time, but it was really hard to color, so I think I'll just do thicker lines on a bigger canvas. Also, I think I overdid Sombra's lighting. It looks a little muddy. But whatever.
I like how it turned out, but sorry about the length of the story. I really wanted to put all that in here because I think it is a major event in my LunaxSombra 😁