Only now I realize that everything is quiet, much to quiet for my taste since even the music isn't playing anymore. A quick look around confirms that Rumble is in exactly the same position and everypony is staring at us in shock, but this isn’t even the worst. No, that would be those two magenta orbs staring at us like we just murdered a dozen puppies.
“You two don’t happen to know where that cake went?” The owner of those two orbs asks us in her kind voice while pointing towards the almost empty plate.
I know we are busted, I know we probably get banished to the sun for this and I know that I should say anything in our defense, but the only thing that escapes my muzzle is a very loud “BUUUURP.”
“I thought so.” She replies in her kind voice, before marching out of the ballroom, still using her magic to hold us by our tail.
I just had to get this scene from chapter 20, The Cake Incident done