To improve my drawing, I tried to multiply the possible universes to designate the characters
1) Twiluniverse
This universe is the basic universe of the series, Twilight directs Equestria and this one takes my next gen of base: Twilight x Applejack.
2) Bluebelleuniverse
Princess Bluebelle succeeded her uncle Prince Solaris to lead Equestria. Dusk Shine has been working at the castle since his academic success at the school of gifted unicorns. After marrying Flare Warden, head of the royal guard. Dusk Shine felt the need to be close to his daughter Sparkle Flashy, so that she would feel less abandoned by her mother, who was still on mission.
3) Sunsetverse
After finishing her apprenticeship, Sunset Shimmer became the new Alicorne of Equestria, who with Princess Celestia, will learn to lead the kingdom. For her part, Twilight Sparkle finished her apprenticeship at the Canterlot School of Magic. Proud of her diploma, she was soon promoted to the position of librarian for the same institution, a job she accepted with great pleasure. Having time for her, Twilight Sparkle eventually reconnected with her older friend Moondancer, who after several meetings agreed to marry her. They wanted no children and lived happily ever after.
4) Chrysaluniverse
Chrysalis (reformed) leads the kingdom of Equestria alongside Princess Luna. The pegasus Twilight sparkle, flight teacher for foal in Clousdale lives with the famous photographer Photo Finish. Not fond of fame and feeling alone enough, Twilight finally made the steps to adopt a filly. Her gaze immediately landed on a small white unicorn, with a very clear mane. She quickly noticed that she was blind and agreed to take charge of this little filly, whom she named Snowflakes.
5) Noprincessuniverse
There was never an Alicorne or a princess! Each village is led by a mayor, who often meets to maintain harmony among peoples. Twilight Sparkle, a young teacher at the small school in Ponyville, loved her work and her students. Having always lived in Ponyville, being an earthly, for nothing in the world, she would not want to leave her small town. Living with the unicorn Cheerilee, who volunteers at the foal hospital, the two mares do not want any children and live their lives happily, as well.
6) Eviluniverse
The villains have won. Twilight has never been alicorne and the princesses are no more than prisoners. To continue their conquest, some creatures are chosen to "repopulate" Equestria. The young unicorn Twilight Sparkle is part of this program and accept her role with Queen Chrysalis. She gave birth to
1) Twiluniverse
This universe is the basic universe of the series, Twilight directs Equestria and this one takes my next gen of base: Twilight x Applejack.
2) Bluebelleuniverse
Princess Bluebelle succeeded her uncle Prince Solaris to lead Equestria. Dusk Shine has been working at the castle since his academic success at the school of gifted unicorns. After marrying Flare Warden, head of the royal guard. Dusk Shine felt the need to be close to his daughter Sparkle Flashy, so that she would feel less abandoned by her mother, who was still on mission.
3) Sunsetverse
After finishing her apprenticeship, Sunset Shimmer became the new Alicorne of Equestria, who with Princess Celestia, will learn to lead the kingdom. For her part, Twilight Sparkle finished her apprenticeship at the Canterlot School of Magic. Proud of her diploma, she was soon promoted to the position of librarian for the same institution, a job she accepted with great pleasure. Having time for her, Twilight Sparkle eventually reconnected with her older friend Moondancer, who after several meetings agreed to marry her. They wanted no children and lived happily ever after.
4) Chrysaluniverse
Chrysalis (reformed) leads the kingdom of Equestria alongside Princess Luna. The pegasus Twilight sparkle, flight teacher for foal in Clousdale lives with the famous photographer Photo Finish. Not fond of fame and feeling alone enough, Twilight finally made the steps to adopt a filly. Her gaze immediately landed on a small white unicorn, with a very clear mane. She quickly noticed that she was blind and agreed to take charge of this little filly, whom she named Snowflakes.
5) Noprincessuniverse
There was never an Alicorne or a princess! Each village is led by a mayor, who often meets to maintain harmony among peoples. Twilight Sparkle, a young teacher at the small school in Ponyville, loved her work and her students. Having always lived in Ponyville, being an earthly, for nothing in the world, she would not want to leave her small town. Living with the unicorn Cheerilee, who volunteers at the foal hospital, the two mares do not want any children and live their lives happily, as well.
6) Eviluniverse
The villains have won. Twilight has never been alicorne and the princesses are no more than prisoners. To continue their conquest, some creatures are chosen to "repopulate" Equestria. The young unicorn Twilight Sparkle is part of this program and accept her role with Queen Chrysalis. She gave birth to
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