> Mane 6 Human > My Mane 6 (Spike will come later) as I picture them as humans 🙂 As always inspired by [kilala97](https://kilala97.deviantart.com/) > > Twilight- Indian > Pinkie- African American > Fluttershy- Caucasian (mostly Swedish heritage) > Rarity- Latino/Spaniard > Rainbow- Japanese (bigger file: [Human Rainbow Dash](https://joan-grace.deviantart.com/art/Human-Rainbow-Dash-624827694)) > Applejack- Caucasian (mostly Irish and Italian heritage) (she's crazy tan) > > Twilight- the bookwork as always, I figured she would gravitate towards clothes often worn during school season. Slender but not to the extreme. > > Pinkie- Fluttershy convinced her to go around barefoot, AJ got her to love jeans, and the shirt was a gift from Cheese. She's short and chubby, but could care less what other people think about that. > > Fluttershy- She prefers skirts to pants, and no shoes all the time. She's extremely slender, and the bullies in her old middle school used to call her scrawny. > > Rarity- Pencil skirts and form-fitting shirts all the way! Along with some jewelry, of course. Tall and elegant, she has great hips and shoulders. > > Rainbow- Always the athlete, she wears athletic shorts and tanktops throughout the year, along with her ever-present sneakers. She is short and has a whipcord look to her. I modeled her after Gogo Tomago from Big Hero 6 > > Applejack- Whatever is easiest is what AJ wears. She has a comfortable tanktop and cut-off jean shorts, with the red tie-on jacket for a little extra flair. I didn't give her cowboy boots because I think that they are a little cliche. Many of them are not throw-on shoes, which I think would be the kind of shoes AJ would go for, so I gave her hightops instead. She doesn't bother with laces XD. She is around average height, with great shoulders and slender torso. > > > So, that's my Mane 6! I want to do Spike and the Wonderbolts soon. 🙂 >