> Wonderbolt Outfits > Okay, if you want to draw these, please: > > LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS and > > CREDIT ME IN THE DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PICTURE > > 1. Show Uniform- The Bolts use this outfit in their shows. It is basically what a human acrobat in the circus wears. The bandages on the tail are what real horses wear in shows to keep their tail from flopping around. The bandages are in all of the outfits. (think of it like a human wearing their hair in a ponytail) > > 2. Workout Uniform- This is a much more comfortable uniform that the Bolts wear during practice. > > In battle, there are 2 squadrons of Wonderbolts: The speed fighters and the heavy fighters. The speed fighters rely mostly on speed in their tactics, and sometimes carry bombs and spears. The heavy fighters often land on the ground to go into the fight and go hoof-to-hoof with the enemy. > > 3. Speed Fighter Uniform- These are lightweight, quick to put on, and easy to fly in. The masks and goggles protect some of the face, and the leg and chest armor provides a little protection from enemy fighters. > > 4. Heavy Fighter Uniform- Since heavy fighters often get caught in the thick of battle, they need more armor than the speed fighters. A helmet protects their skull (very handy for ramming other ponies with), and armor covers most of the body. > > ** > > This may or may not have something to do with the next Soarindash…XD >