
When little Toby was born with some not so subtle crystals growing all over his body, not unlike his father’s that were created out of corruption, there was of course some worry. You can’t really expect a foal, much less an alicorn created by the union of a literal sun goddess and beckon of shadows, to be a ticking time bomb of disastrous dark magic but it really wouldn’t hurt anyone to take at least some precaution.

Sombra mostly looked over his soon for any signs of possible outbreak of it or if it happened, the colt should learn to control it quickly. Toby didn’t really appear to have any signs of it, in fact little guy barely could even summon magic at all

Or at least that was until one day the king witnessed him not cursing but rather purifying one of his hexed black crystals from their dark ailment, the little prince holding the bow bright blue gem proudly up to his flabbergasted father as with a shiny new cutie mark on his flank.


Some more stuff of this fam with my design of big ol’ Sombra. His horn looks hella cracked because it was basically magically infused together again but it is still fragile. He can’t use huge blasts of energy without the fear of it shattering again which is quite the pain for the previously infamous tyrant.


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