> Well you can say she did, and someone of that vanity HATES seeing their huge ego being hurt , so I thought the best direction for her would be to go from a boastful braggart to a a hazardous egomaniac who aims to burn Twilight's pride to ashes and regain the admiration of her public .
> Of course , I reassure you I'll play within the limits of the show (none of my takes really go into barbaric territory ), so I decided to make her an anti-thesis to Twilight . Twi's magic is based on alchemy and spells, Trixie's look more like stage tricks (albeit this time , they'll truly have their little effect ) with cards, hats and rabbits . If Twi got her powers through working, Trixie cheated her way out or got them through illegal means . If Twi breaks down through pressure, Trixie gets frustrated yet remains sane and focused (guess what she's gonna exploit then) . Twi has friends , Trixie is lonely …
> My main influences have to be Dr Doom (mainly for the egomania and the third person talk) , Abra Kadabra [link](https://www.deviantart.com/devilkais/art/MY-TOP-20-FLASH-FOES-285414370) (because she has way too much in common with the sadistic magician ;) ) and Darla Dimple ( who is the main basis for her redesign here , and because Trixie 's return must be big and loud )
> Now you decide if I improved her or ruined her for you …