Meet Dino Dig, the daughter of Lily Longsocks and Petunia Paleo! A bold and brash little filly, Dino always takes charge of any group of friends she's with. She has a few school pals that she sticks very close to, however, and others doubt that they would have been friends if it wasn't for Dino Dig pulling them all together. Pippin Apple, Citrus Fizz, Dreamcast, and Dino Dig make up a unique group of foals, spending recess and lunch time together every single day. And whenever they're together, Dino can't help but info dump every dinosaur/extinct ancient creature fact known to pony-kind. Taking a similar interest to her mother Petunia Paleo, Dino Dig wants nothing more than to recreate what dinosaurs might have looked like based off of their fossilized bones.
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