> Pastel Perfection > [HazeyMoonlight](https://hazeymoonlight.deviantart.com/) > > Stella > Daughter of Thorax and Princess Celestia, Rose is a calm, quite diplomat specializing in keeping the peace between her kingdom and others. She is a pacifist, bookworm, and a mare of very few words. In the few instances she does speak, its often very difficult not to listen. > 'Stella' is latin for Firefly > Her cutiemark is a symbol of how she guides others towards the path of light. > She is next in line to rules Equestria, and will take over after her mother. > > > If you the designs, go check out the [Grid Adopts!](https://dr4m4-qu33n.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Next-Gen-Generator-677748540) They're pretty cheap, I promise~ >