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In Fallout 3, the Enclave 'promised' free clean water to any wastelander who'd pass their genetic tests*. Since none of them could hope to match pre-war human DNA, this was obviously just a trap to make the people they wanted to kill/experiment on come to them instead of having to track them down across the Capital Wasteland.
Well, this Enclave is preying on another kind of thirst!
%\* Supposedly, according to TVTropes; didn't play the game in years and don't remember a random encounter like that.%
Made with Inkscape. Fonts are Segoe Print and Segoe Script. Inspired by Nukechaser24's Manehatten(/images/838851) and plain's Meet the pegasus mares!(/images/897549). Enclave logo simplified from the one on Remains' [wiki]( (and probably taking some subconscious Warhammer 40,000 cues).
[Pinup only](/images/2707644)
Well, this Enclave is preying on another kind of thirst!
%\* Supposedly, according to TVTropes; didn't play the game in years and don't remember a random encounter like that.%
Made with Inkscape. Fonts are Segoe Print and Segoe Script. Inspired by Nukechaser24's Manehatten(/images/838851) and plain's Meet the pegasus mares!(/images/897549). Enclave logo simplified from the one on Remains' [wiki]( (and probably taking some subconscious Warhammer 40,000 cues).
[Pinup only](/images/2707644)
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