
> how do hooves work with phone's?
> Hitch is my favorite. simply because he made me laugh and for some reason he gives me flyn rider vibes from tangled. totally not biased because he's a stallion. although i am happy they gave him a personality instead of what most of the stallions were in the last gen.
> i quite liked the movie to be fair. i thought i was going to be distracted by the weird human bottom lip but i wasn't. i thought they looked like felt toys because of the texture of the fur. the only real criticisms i have is that i found that in every song the voice was to quiet and i could barely hear them over the track. also i find they go weirdly slow when their shown to gallop, it just looks weird. like their legs are going really fast but their only moving half the speed they should be.
> the second that it cut to sunny being full grown i instantly knew the dad was dead. i also nearly cried when the lighthouse got destroyed. but houses being destroyed cuts deep for me for no apparent reason. nothing bad happened to the house i live in so i don't know why it hurts. maybe it was the fact that the first thing that went through my mind was the loss of memories.
> are alicorns even necessary in a world full of tech. i feel like sunny would just be treated like everyone else as there was nothing about how "great and powerful" alicorns were. so noone would link her to being a all powerful demi god until others start aging and dying before she's even aged a year.
> and of course im going to fit my AU in somehow. trust me. i will find a way


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