> 23rd Sep 2021, 6:00 AM in [Magical Mystery Cure](http://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/57105)
> …Maybe it's because I was a little tired and under the weather when I wrote this, but I still kind of like the idea of ironically using "TPK'd" as a verb to describe everything except what a TPK actually means.
> DM: The moment you ink the period at the end of the spell…
> (An explosion of light and lasers from the Elements of Harmony converges on Twilight)
> DM: …leaving only a smoking, star-shaped scorch mark in the middle of the library.
> Fluttershy: Oh no!
> Rainbow Dash: On the plus side, obliteration power!
> Pinkie Pie: Oh my Celestia, WE TPK'D TWILIGHT!
> DM: Um, you know I'd never just instagib you in this campaign, right?
> Pinkie Pie: Yeah, we know. That's why it's funny to act like you did!